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Virtual Ports quit working

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 6:16 am
by Paul_Velasco
So I reduced my dose time on my pumps to 60s from 240s. Had them trigger a virtual port so I could get an email notice when they triggerred.

Now the Virtual ports are not triggerring and no email notices being sent. Part of code attached.

LMK if anything stands out:

Code: Select all

//Code to make Vodka Dosing Work one time a day for 2 mins 
    //COmment our 05.02.16
    //Turn on at 8:00 AM
    ///    ReefAngel.DosingPumpRepeat(Box1_Port6,480,1440,120);
    ///Code to make Vinegar Dosing Work 4 mins
    ///02.15.16 = Changed to dosing Amino Acid every 3 hrs for 2 mins, on top of hours
    ///02.2616 = Changed to dosing Amino Acid every 3 hrs for 4 mins, on 15 of hour
    ///05.02.16 = Changed to dosing Amino Acid every 3 hrs for 1 mins, on 15 of hour
    ///Start at 12:00AM
    ///Do not turn on Vinegar if lights are off
    ///02-15-16 = Changed to Dosing AA throughout the day
    ///    if (hour()<=8 || hour()>21) {
    ///      ReefAngel.Relay.Off(Box1_Port8);
    ///    } 
    //Code to make Magnesium Dosing Work
    ///02.15.16 = Changed to dosing Amino Acid every 3 hrs for 2 mins, on 15 of hour
    ///02.2616 = Changed to dosing Amino Acid every 3 hrs for 4 mins, on 15 of hour
    ///05.02.16 = Changed to dosing Amino Acid every 3 hrs for 1 min, on 15 of hour
    ///Start at 12:15AM
    //Code to check that the dosing pumps are running
    // *******************  Turn on imaginary relays for 5 minutes when dosing pumps activate so Portal can track them  *******************
    // Vinegar port
        if (ReefAngel.Relay.Status(Box1_Port8) && LastUpdate1==0)
          LastUpdate1 = now();
          ReefAngel.Relay.On (Box2_Port1);
        if (now() - LastUpdate1 >= 300 && LastUpdate1 != 0)
          LastUpdate1 = 0;
          ReefAngel.Relay.Off (Box2_Port1);
    // Magnesium Port
        if (ReefAngel.Relay.Status(Box1_Port4) && LastUpdate2==0)
          LastUpdate2 = now();
          ReefAngel.Relay.On (Box2_Port2);
        if (now() - LastUpdate2 >= 300 && LastUpdate2 != 0)
          LastUpdate2 = 0;
          ReefAngel.Relay.Off (Box2_Port2);
    // ATO Port
        if (ReefAngel.Relay.Status(Box1_Port7) && LastUpdate3==0)
          LastUpdate3 = now();
          ReefAngel.Relay.On (Box2_Port3);
        if (now() - LastUpdate3 >= 300 && LastUpdate3 != 0)
          LastUpdate3 = 0;
          ReefAngel.Relay.Off (Box2_Port3);
     // Vodka Port
        if (ReefAngel.Relay.Status(Box1_Port6) && LastUpdate4==0)
          LastUpdate4 = now();
          ReefAngel.Relay.On (Box2_Port4);
        if (now() - LastUpdate4 >= 300 && LastUpdate4 != 0)
          LastUpdate4 = 0;
          ReefAngel.Relay.Off (Box2_Port4);