pH climbing

Basic / Standard Reef Angel hardware
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pH climbing

Post by MDB1029 »

I woke up this morning and the RA tells me my pH is 9.98.

So my first thought was my ATO dumped a ton of kalk in my system and there will be a flood of water to clean up. Well that didn't happen. So I look on the portal and it shows the pH has steadily climbed since last night at 9:00pm.

My crappy pH test kit tells me it is around ~8 and my hanna probe says it is 7.6 after calibration. T then calibrated the RA probe and it is now giving me 10.36.

So last night at about 9pm i uploaded new code with a small amount of change in it but maybe it messed up the probe?

Code: Select all

#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <Globals.h>
#include <RA_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <InternalEEPROM.h>
#include <RA_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <RA_ATO.h>
#include <RA_Joystick.h>
#include <LED.h>
#include <RA_TempSensor.h>
#include <Relay.h>
#include <RA_PWM.h>
#include <Timer.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <InternalEEPROM.h>
#include <RA_Colors.h>
#include <RA_CustomColors.h>
#include <Salinity.h>
#include <RF.h>
#include <IO.h>
#include <ORP.h>
#include <AI.h>
#include <PH.h>
#include <WaterLevel.h>
#include <Humidity.h>
#include <DCPump.h>
#include <PAR.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>

////// Place global variable code below here
    int DaylightPWMValue=0;        // For cloud code

////// Place global variable code above here

void setup()
    // This must be the first line
    ReefAngel.Init();  //Initialize controller
    ReefAngel.Use2014Screen();  // Let's use 2014 Screen 
    // Ports toggled in Feeding Mode
    ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = Port1Bit | Port4Bit;
    // Ports toggled in Water Change Mode
    ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = Port1Bit | Port2Bit | Port3Bit | Port4Bit | Port5Bit;
    // Ports toggled when Lights On / Off menu entry selected
    ReefAngel.LightsOnPorts = 0;
    // Ports turned off when Overheat temperature exceeded
    ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPorts = Port2Bit | Port3Bit;
    // Use T1 probe as temperature and overheat functions
    ReefAngel.TempProbe = T1_PROBE;
    ReefAngel.OverheatProbe = T1_PROBE;

    // Ports that are always on
    ReefAngel.Relay.On( Port1 );
    ReefAngel.Relay.On( Port4 );
    ReefAngel.Relay.On( Port8 );

    ////// Place additional initialization code below here

    ////// Place additional initialization code above here

void loop()
    ReefAngel.StandardHeater( Port2 );
if ( ReefAngel.Params.Temp[T1_PROBE] < (InternalMemory.HeaterTempOn_read() - 10)) { ReefAngel.Relay.On(Port3); };
if ( ReefAngel.Params.Temp[T1_PROBE] > (InternalMemory.HeaterTempOff_read() - 5)) { ReefAngel.Relay.Off(Port3); };
    ReefAngel.SingleATOLow( Port5 );
    ReefAngel.PWM.SetChannelRaw(0,PWMSlopeHighRes(9,00,21,00,0,45,90,0));  // Blues from 0900 to 2200 on a slope
    ReefAngel.StandardLights(Port7,18,0,10,0);  // Fuge light from 1800 to 1000
    if ( ReefAngel.PWM.GetChannelValueRaw(0) < 16 || ReefAngel.PWM.GetChannelValue(0)>100)
        ReefAngel.PWM.SetChannelRaw(0,16);    // Set a default moonlight value for after hours    
    ////// Place your custom code below here

    ////// Place your custom code above here

    // This should always be the last line
    ReefAngel.Portal( "MDB1029" );
    ReefAngel.DDNS( "Reef" ); // Your DDNS is
    void CheckCloud()
      // ------------------------------------------------------------
      // Change the values below to customize your cloud/storm effect

      // Frequency in days based on the day of the month - number 2 means every 2 days, for example (day 2,4,6 etc)
      // For testing purposes, you can use 1 and cause the cloud to occur everyday
    #define Clouds_Every_X_Days 1

      // Percentage chance of a cloud happening today
      // For testing purposes, you can use 100 and cause the cloud to have 100% chance of happening
    #define Cloud_Chance_per_Day 60

      // Minimum number of minutes for cloud duration.  Don't use max duration of less than 6
    #define Min_Cloud_Duration 7

      // Maximum number of minutes for the cloud duration. Don't use max duration of more than 255
    #define Max_Cloud_Duration 21

      // Minimum number of clouds that can happen per day
    #define Min_Clouds_per_Day 1

      // Maximum number of clouds that can happen per day
    #define Max_Clouds_per_Day 5

      // Only start the cloud effect after this setting
      // In this example, start cloud after noon
    #define Start_Cloud_After NumMins(11,00)

      // Always end the cloud effect before this setting
      // In this example, end cloud before 9:00pm
    #define End_Cloud_Before NumMins(19,00)

      // Percentage chance of a lightning happen for every cloud
      // For testing purposes, you can use 100 and cause the lightning to have 100% chance of happening
    #define Lightning_Change_per_Cloud 75

      // Note: Make sure to choose correct values that will work within your PWMSLope settings.
      // For example, in our case, we could have a max of 5 clouds per day and they could last for 50 minutes.
      // Which could mean 250 minutes of clouds. We need to make sure the PWMSlope can accomodate 250 minutes
      // of effects or unforseen result could happen.
      // Also, make sure that you can fit double those minutes between Start_Cloud_After and End_Cloud_Before.
      // In our example, we have 510 minutes between Start_Cloud_After and End_Cloud_Before, so double the
      // 250 minutes (or 500 minutes) can fit in that 510 minutes window.
      // It's a tight fit, but it did.

      //#define printdebug // Uncomment this for debug print on Serial Monitor window
    #define forcecloudcalculation // Uncomment this to force the cloud calculation to happen in the boot process.

      // Add Random Lightning modes
    #define Calm 0    // No lightning
    #define Slow 1    // 5 seconds of slow lightning in the middle of a cloud for ELN style (slow response) drivers
    #define Fast 2    // 5 seconds of fast lightning in the middle of a cloud for LDD style (fast response) drivers
    #define Mega 3    // Lightning throughout the cloud, higher chance as it gets darker
    #define Mega2 4   // Like Mega, but with more lightning
      // Set which modes you want to use
      // Example:  { Calm, Fast, Mega, Mega2 } to randomize all four modes. 
      // { Mega2 } for just Mega2.  { Mega, Mega, Fast} for Mega and Fast, with twice the chance of Mega.
      byte LightningModes[] = {Mega2,Mega,Mega,Calm,Calm,Fast,Fast};

      // Change the values above to customize your cloud/storm effect
      // ------------------------------------------------------------
      // Do not change anything below here

      static byte cloudchance=255;
      static byte cloudduration=0;
      static int cloudstart=0;
      static byte numclouds=0;
      static byte lightningchance=0;
      static byte cloudindex=0;
      static byte lightningstatus=0;
      static int LastNumMins=0;
      static byte lightningMode=0;
      static boolean chooseLightning=true;

      static time_t DelayCounter=millis();    // Variable for lightning timing. 
      static int DelayTime=random(1000);      // Variable for lightning timimg.

      // Every day at midnight, we check for chance of cloud happening today
      if (hour()==0 && minute()==0 && second()==0) cloudchance=255;

    #ifdef forcecloudcalculation
      if (cloudchance==255)
        if (hour()==0 && minute()==0 && second()==1 && cloudchance==255)
          randomSeed(millis());    // Seed the random number generator
          //Pick a random number between 0 and 99
          // if picked number is greater than Cloud_Chance_per_Day, we will not have clouds today
          if (cloudchance>Cloud_Chance_per_Day) cloudchance=0;
          // Check if today is day for clouds.
          if ((day()%Clouds_Every_X_Days)!=0) cloudchance=0;
          // If we have cloud today
          if (cloudchance)
            // pick a random number for number of clouds between Min_Clouds_per_Day and Max_Clouds_per_Day
            // pick the time that the first cloud will start
            // the range is calculated between Start_Cloud_After and the even distribuition of clouds on this day.
            // pick a random number for the cloud duration of first cloud.
            //Pick a random number between 0 and 99
            // if picked number is greater than Lightning_Change_per_Cloud, we will not have lightning today
            if (lightningchance>Lightning_Change_per_Cloud) lightningchance=0;
      // Now that we have all the parameters for the cloud, let's create the effect

      if (cloudchance)
        //is it time for cloud yet?
        if (NumMins(hour(),minute())>=cloudstart && NumMins(hour(),minute())<(cloudstart+cloudduration))
          if (chooseLightning)
          switch (lightningMode)
          case Calm:
          case Mega:
            // Lightning chance from beginning of cloud through the end.  Chance increases with darkness of cloud.
            if (lightningchance && random(ReversePWMSlope(cloudstart,cloudstart+cloudduration,100,0,180))<1 && (millis()-DelayCounter)>DelayTime)
              // Send the trigger
              DelayCounter=millis();    // If we just had a round of flashes, then lets put in a longer delay
              DelayTime=random(1000);   // of up to a second for dramatic effect before we do another round.
          case Mega2:
            // Higher lightning chance from beginning of cloud through the end.  Chance increases with darkness of cloud.
            if (lightningchance && random(ReversePWMSlope(cloudstart,cloudstart+cloudduration,100,0,180))<2)
          case Fast:
            // 5 seconds of lightning in the middle of the cloud
            if (lightningchance && (NumMins(hour(),minute())==(cloudstart+(cloudduration/2))) && second()<5 && (millis()-DelayCounter)>DelayTime)

              DelayCounter=millis();    // If we just had a round of flashes, then lets put in a longer delay
              DelayTime=random(1000);   // of up to a second for dramatic effect before we do another round.
          case Slow:
            // Slow lightning for 5 seconds in the middle of the cloud.  Suitable for slower ELN style drivers
            if (lightningchance && (NumMins(hour(),minute())==(cloudstart+(cloudduration/2))) && second()<5)
              if (random(100)<20) lightningstatus=1;
              else lightningstatus=0;
              if (lightningstatus)
          chooseLightning=true; // Reset the flag to choose a new lightning type

        if (NumMins(hour(),minute())>(cloudstart+cloudduration))
          if (cloudindex < numclouds)
            // pick a random number for the cloud duration of first cloud.
            //Pick a random number between 0 and 99
            // if picked number is greater than Lightning_Change_per_Cloud, we will not have lightning today
            if (lightningchance>Lightning_Change_per_Cloud) lightningchance=0;

      // Write the times of the next cloud, next lightning, and cloud duration to the screen and into some customvars for the Portal.
      if (LastNumMins!=NumMins(hour(),minute()))
         ReefAngel.LCD.DrawText(0,255,51,120,"00:00"); */
        if (cloudchance && (NumMins(hour(),minute())<cloudstart))
          int x=0;
          if ((cloudstart/60)>=10) x=11;
          else x=17;
          ReefAngel.CustomVar[3]=cloudstart/60; // Write the hour of the next cloud to custom variable for Portal reporting
          if ((cloudstart%60)>=10) x=29;
          else x=35;
          ReefAngel.CustomVar[4]=cloudstart%60; // Write the minute of the next cloud to custom variable for Portal reporting

        ReefAngel.CustomVar[7]=(cloudduration);    // Put the duration of the next cloud in a custom var for the portal
        if (lightningchance)
          int x=0;
          if (((cloudstart+(cloudduration/2))/60)>=10) x=51;
          else x=57;
          ReefAngel.CustomVar[5]=(cloudstart+(cloudduration/2))/60;    // Write the hour of the next lightning to a custom variable for the Portal
          if (((cloudstart+(cloudduration/2))%60)>=10) x=69;
          else x=75;
          //ReefAngel.LCD.DrawText(0,255,x,120,((cloudstart+(cloudduration/2))%60)); // Write the minute of the next lightning to a custom variable for the Portal

    void Strike()
      int a=random(1,5);    // Pick a number of consecutive flashes from 1 to 4. 
      for (int i=0; i<a; i++)
        // Flash on
        int newdata=4095;
        Wire.beginTransmission(0x40);      // Address of the dimming expansion module
        Wire.write(0x8+(4*1));             // 0x8 is channel 0, 0x12 is channel 1, etc.  I'm using channel 1.
        Wire.write(newdata&0xff);          // Send the data 8 bits at a time.  This sends the LSB
        Wire.write(newdata>>8);            // This sends the MSB
        int randy=random(20,80);    // Random number for a delay
        if (randy>71) randy=((randy-70)/2)*100;    // Small chance of a longer delay
        delay(randy);                // Wait from 20 to 69 ms, or 100-400 ms
        // Flash off.  Return to baseline.
        newdata=ReefAngel.PWM.GetChannelValueRaw(1);   // Use the channel number you're flashing here
        Wire.beginTransmission(0x40);    // Same as above
        delay(random(30,50));                // Wait from 30 to 49 ms
        wdt_reset();    // Reset watchdog timer to avoid re-boots

    byte ReversePWMSlope(long cstart,long cend,byte PWMStart,byte PWMEnd, byte clength)
      long n=elapsedSecsToday(now());
      if (n<cstart) return PWMStart;
      if (n>=cstart && n<=(cstart+clength)) return map(n,cstart,cstart+clength,PWMStart,PWMEnd);
      if (n>(cstart+clength) && n<(cend-clength)) return PWMEnd;
      if (n>=(cend-clength) && n<=cend) return map(n,cend-clength,cend,PWMEnd,PWMStart);
      if (n>cend) return (int) PWMStart;

The only things i touched were the max percentage of channel 0 and 1, and also the parameters for the lightning regarding frequency and duration and such.

Could I have done something that effected the pH probe?
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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Re: pH climbing

Post by rimai »

Does it show the same readings if you place the probe in a cup of tank water?
Posts: 178
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:10 pm
Location: An Oklahoman in Ohio

Re: pH climbing

Post by MDB1029 »

rimai wrote:Does it show the same readings if you place the probe in a cup of tank water?
Since I calibrated the probe it has started to climb faster.

I have it in tank water in a cup and it is still showing the same reading at this point.
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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Re: pH climbing

Post by rimai »

What were the numbers you got when calibrating?
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Location: An Oklahoman in Ohio

Re: pH climbing

Post by MDB1029 »

I don't remember exactly but they were something like 545 and 600. I can recalibrate and record those numbers if you need the actual numbers. The pH is 14.00 currently i think it has stopped.

Just to make sure I am calibrating correctly, does the calibration process take about 5-10 minutes? The number moves very slowly. Am I taking too long, not long enough?
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Re: pH climbing

Post by rimai »

600 for pH10 doesn't sound right.
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Location: An Oklahoman in Ohio

Re: pH climbing

Post by MDB1029 »

That is what i thought when i was calibrating but i put it in the solution and it sat at 545 for about a minute and then jumped a couple times and then sat at 600
Posts: 178
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Location: An Oklahoman in Ohio

Re: pH climbing

Post by MDB1029 »

Does 746 sound like a correct # for the 7.0 solution on the calibration?
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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Re: pH climbing

Post by rimai »

No. Seems your probe may need to be replaced then.
It should be around 500's for 7.0 and around 800's for 10.0
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Location: An Oklahoman in Ohio

Re: pH climbing

Post by MDB1029 »

So i recalibrated again today and it was 545 for 7 and 767 for 10. However, after calibration the probe was reading 8.69 and now climbing again at 9.18 right now.
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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Re: pH climbing

Post by rimai »

Numbers seem to be not too bad.
Is it climbing on a cup of tank water too?
Posts: 178
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:10 pm
Location: An Oklahoman in Ohio

Re: pH climbing

Post by MDB1029 »

So this is what it did before
Reef.png (33.99 KiB) Viewed 3338 times
And after calibrating it today it began to rise again and then just dropped to what may be the correct pH value. I tried to get a picture of the most recent chart but my computer is one step above a paperweight and can't manage to download the image.

So it seems like it is working but i can't verify the value against anything reliable.

Is there any reason you can think of why it is doing this? Do you think the probe is the problem? of code?
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