Client Suite 2.2

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rossbryant1956 »

rimai wrote:Use the libraries update utility:
You will need to generate a new code after the update and also make sure that you have wifi feature checked on RAGen.
even if I don't yet have wifi installed?
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

Yes, the Client uses the same protocol to communicate with the controller
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Treamaya »

Not sure if this si the appropriate place for this, but ... I was trying to adjust the memory settings today and the Client crashed with this report. After the crash I was unable to establish communications until I rebooted the PC.

Code: Select all

See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at ReefAngelClient.Form1.SetMemoryValues()
   at ReefAngelClient.Form1.btnSaveMemory_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5448 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Office/AppData/Roaming/ReefAngel/Client/ReefAngelClient.exe
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5446 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5447 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.5.30729.116
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Office/AppData/Roaming/ReefAngel/Client/dlls/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.0.4506.5420 (Win7SP1.030729-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.ServiceModel/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.0.4506.5420 (Win7SP1.030729-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Serialization/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.5.5692.0
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Data.SqlServerCe/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Office/AppData/Roaming/ReefAngel/Client/ReefAngelException.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.EnterpriseServices/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.5.30729.5420 built by: Win7SP1
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/
    Assembly Version: 1.0.3975.30783
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Office/AppData/Roaming/ReefAngel/Client/dlls/Manometers.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.0.4506.5420 (Win7SP1.030729-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/SMDiagnostics/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.ServiceProcess/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5456 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.Web/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.5.594.5420
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.WorkflowServices/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.5.594.5420
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.ServiceModel.Web/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 3.0.4506.5420 (Win7SP1.030729-5400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.IdentityModel/

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

    < jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

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Location: Montgomery Village, MD

uninstalling Client Suite 2.2

Post by rossbryant1956 »

Need help uninstalling so I can re-install. Getting an error during un-install about something not existing as an installed service. Pls help.
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
Posts: 12857
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

Posts: 37
Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:19 pm

Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by JoshSD »

rimai wrote:I've seen this happening before. It happened to me and I forgot to comment.
I had something to do with one of the values being out of range, if I'm not mistaken.
If you go ahead and load one of the internal memory PDE files, it should correct the problem.
I think what happens is the Client pulls a value in the memory that was never initialized and it falls out of range of what the Client is expecting and it just generates an error.

I started getting that same exception tonight after trying to go through the simple (unfortunately not so for me tonight) process to calibrate the pH sensor. Any time I try to set the values that I got on the pH calibration screen on the RA unit (I followed the procedure in another post, but when I would switch from the 7.0 to 10.0 solution, the 7.0 value would get messed up - either going to the 10.0 value around 828, or falling from 538 to 411). So I figured I would note the values, then go into the Memory tab in the client and set them there.

The client shows the DB and Dev Lib versions (2.2 and respectively) but when I fill in the calibrated values of 538 and 828 and click Save, I get that "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception.

Values on the General tab look correct. I can confirm wifi is working correctly since I can get to the port 2000/wifi page and toggle the relays (can hear the click).

I did have to reload RA code through Arduino earlier tonight. After doing the pH calibration a couple times to try to get it right, the display started showing garbage where the pH display was supposed to be. This would come back after a power off/on. So I reloaded the code and that seems to have gotten the basic functions back again. Except for the Client being able to set the Memory values.

I did try your suggestion to reload the Memory file I saved with RAGen through Arduino IDE. This went OK and without errors, but didn't seem to clear anything that is preventing the Client from configuring the memory. No errors in the log. Maybe I am not understanding correctly what it means to "go ahead and load one of the internal memory PDE files".

Thanks for any advice.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

Did you initially load a internal memory PDE file?]
You can create one on RAGen and also add the pH values in there too :)
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by JoshSD »

rimai wrote:Did you initially load a internal memory PDE file?]
You can create one on RAGen and also add the pH values in there too :)
I did but will try again.

Does the internal memory ever get corrupted? Not sure if I mentioned in previous posts but along the way yesterday after trying calibration the RA was not properly turning on the relay box and had garbled text on the screen (ie not readable as text, I have pictures if you are interested). If there are such problems is there an initialization process I should go through? Thanks....
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

What you describe is usually non-initialized memory that you are reading.
The new libraries due to be release any day now, will even force you to load a memory file or it won't allow you to run the controller. This way it there is no chance of reading un-initialized memory.
I would consider very hard to get corrupted memory, but it could happen.
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setting reconnect timeout

Post by rossbryant1956 »

In my laziness (and impatience) I would like to change the 2 minute re-connect time that the client uses to reconnect to RA after waking up.

I am like Calvin of "Calvin and Hobbes" when faced with having to put something in the microwave for 60 seconds, says, " Who's got 60 seconds??!??"

Pls advise if this setting is configurable so I can get back to my microwave. Thx
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

lol... Someone else asked that before.
I'm with you and the trick I found was File->Exit.
Then I start the application again.
Don't use the right top X, or the window will just minimize.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by dmolton »

Yeah, it's been one of the more requested features for sure. The next version still has a 2:00 countdown, but when in countdown mode, the text is a clickable hyperlink that does the reconnect action immediately.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by lukeluke »

dmolton wrote:Yeah, it's been one of the more requested features for sure. The next version still has a 2:00 countdown, but when in countdown mode, the text is a clickable hyperlink that does the reconnect action immediately.
remember to add the support for password on the web RA :-D

and also the internal memory support for °C .... :-D
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by dmolton »

lukeluke wrote: remember to add the support for password on the web RA :-D
I added this functionality a little while ago and I'm honestly considering not releasing with it built in anymore.. For whatever reason the performance with WifiAuthentication() is quite poor. I'm not sure if the problem is with the controller authenticating or the Client's method of communicating with the controller but I will say if I do include it, I will strongly recommend against using it.. :cry:
lukeluke wrote: and also the internal memory support for °C .... :-D
Got ya covered :)
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Re: Client Suite 2.2 - Managing additional outlet boxes

Post by rossbryant1956 »

found the answer in a previous post. Coming in the next version. Thx
I recently purchased an additional outlet box and am trying to configure the client app to see it. I found where to customize the app for the extra box but it is not monitoring it. Must be missing a line of code somewhere. Appreciate some advice. Thx
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

It's coming.
Dave needs to modify something, since the new v0.9.0 libs were released.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by symon_say »

DOn't know if this have been asked, but this work with IP address like the portal?? and if so, do i need to do something with the controller to send/receive data from it, cause i install it, and put the same IP:port in installation than my portal but i don't get anything.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rossbryant1956 »

I did the same thing but used my internal address (192.168.whatever.whatever:2000); not my external address 62.X.X.X. Worked like a charm. Try that.
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by symon_say »

That worked, thanks
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by j_tup »

I am having issues with trying to set up the Client suite with the new libraries. Is 2.2 compatible with the 0.9.2 Libraries? The suite is opening the port and listening but timesout due to the controller not responding. I have switched cpu's, started fresh, and even tried to just load a pgm with only wifi defined and still no response. The controller does flicker when it connects and disconnects so I think the suite is getting to the controller but the controller is not responding. I am using the controller without the wifi box. Any help would be great.

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

It should work.
Make sure the com port on the Client is the same used on Arduino.
Go to Arduino menu Tools->Serial Port. Write down the com port that is check marked.
Then go to Client menu Settings->Modify, change to General Tab and see if the same com port is being used.
If not, click on Launch Service Dash and change it.
I know you mentioned this already, but make sure that you enable wifi by using the newest version of RAGen, click the tab features, make sure that wifi is checked and click the button save.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by j_tup »

Thanks for the help. I got it working. When i uploaded to the controller my brate was115200 but when i looked at the serial identifier in arduino tonight it was connecting at the lower rate. That fixed it. I appreciate all the hard work everyone puts in on this tremendous product. Thank you.
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Client Suite 2.0 - 2.1 - 2.2 doesn't run!

Post by joaocdestro »

I have all .net packages, but my client didn't run...
I have the .net 4.0 Client and complete installed too...

This is a known issue?

CLIENT DON'T RUN.png (140.2 KiB) Viewed 7115 times
Joao C. Destro
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by dedvalson »

Is there a time frame for making the status of the expansion relays work again with the 1.9 libraries?

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by dmolton »

dedvalson wrote:Is there a time frame for making the status of the expansion relays work again with the 1.9 libraries?

Sorry for not updating this thread in awhile. I know you guys have been waiting awhile for a new version of the Client. Truth be told I've been dealing with a large dose of life lately and haven't had much time to work on the reefing hobby. Even my tank is showing the effects lately.

More to the point though, I'm very close to another release and have been for sometime. The only thing holding me back is the new 0.9.x integration and some small bugs when pulling data from the portal. I'm going to make it a point to get as much done as I can on it this weekend and hopefully have something for you guys very soon. I finally upgraded my controllers version of the dev libs from a very old version to the latest and am coding in some changes for it right now.

I hope to be more active on the forums in the future and get my tank back in order as well. I'll keep everyone updated as to what's going on with the next release. Keep an eye out for a new thread explaining changes in the 3.0 version of the suite.

Sorry for my absence.

Junior Dabul
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Junior Dabul »

Hey Dmolton . i am having the same problem as the chridijon above. it cant find files so it wont uninstall and when i try and says error 101. the specified service already exists, error 1001 could not find C./ program files(x86)/reefangel\reefangel client suite\listener\reefangelWCFListener.installstate, C./ program files(x86)/reefangel\reefangel client suite\servicedash\service dashboard.installstate, C:\users\chris\appdata\roaming\reefangel\client\reefangelclient.instalstate, C./ program files(x86)/reefangel\reefangel client suite\reader\reefangelserialreader.instalstate, C./ program files(x86)/reefangel\reefangel client suite\installsetupAppConfig.installstate, fatal error during installation. i tryied to do what you answered below and didnt work? how/where do i uninstall manually the services? which services would be???? sorry for jump in
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by dmolton »

Junior Dabul
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Junior Dabul »

all fixed. i forgot to run the Cmd.exe as Admin.


Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Sebyte »

I have noticed this too in the past. In my case I stopped and restarted the Service Dash. It seemed to be something to do with the wifi communication link. I had not changed any settings, so even to this day I am not sure exactly what it was.

Give it a try it may work ;)
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Toolboy »


Im having an issue installing Cliente Suite 2.2. It starts the install the gets to the error message then uninstalls.
I have removed .net framework 4 and reinstalled and redid the updates for it but I still get the same error message.

I'm using Windows Home 7 64bit

Error 1001. Unable to create WindowHandleWraper. Window 'ReefAngel Client Suite' not found. Parameter name: installWindowTitle
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