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Problems with Arduino DIY Dosing Pump

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 8:54 pm
by Gastel
Hi guys,
Firstly I apologize if this is not the right place for my me to post my problem.
I am currently having a go at programming/building a dosing pump using arduino for my RSM 130D reef tank.
I had it all wired up and running fine then suddenly my I2C lcd display started showing only blank white squares along the top line.
I have since gone back to basics and tried just running the old "Hello World" sketch but for the life of me I can't get the LCD to display anything.
I have swapped arduino boards, I have two uno's and a mega 256 and I have swapped LCD's from a 16x2 to a 20x4 but I cant get anything to display.
I am pulling my hair out and am so frustrated that I am ready to ditch the whole thing, especially seeing I had it working and ready to mount.
Can anyone out there help me PLEASE.
