wifi utility

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Re: wifi utility

Post by Reefology »

Here is my wifi status copied from my providers page

Device details:

Name: ReefAngelWifi

Connection type: Wireless (802.11)
IP address:
IP address allocation: DHCP
IP address type: Private (NAT)
Hardware address: 00:06:66:21:ee:db
Status: Off

Allowed applications
ReefAngel - TCP 2000
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Re: wifi utility

Post by rimai »

How far away is from the router?
Have you tried to get a little bit closer to see if it is signal strength problem?
Can you access your controller using the internal ip address?
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Re: wifi utility

Post by AlanM »

What does "Status: Off" indicate in what you posted? Does that mean that it isn't actively connected to the access point?

BTW, your .sig shows that it did connect briefly at least to the portal this morning at 6:22am. Weird that it would not work now.
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Re: wifi utility

Post by Reefology »

Hi all,

I pulled my reef angel out after a being in a box for over a year...time to finally set up a new reef after moving :)

Having 2 issues related to wifi.

1. Can't communicate with portal

Wifi attachment is slow blinking green and I port forwarded 2000 to the internal ip assigned to reef angel.

2. The major issue...after uploading wifi test code to solve wifi issue, I now can't upload anything else :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

the code I had installed worked great when I turned on the unit but now get a timeout message saying avrdude:stk500v2_command(): failed miserably to execute 0x11

I primarily want my code back and then will deal with wifi.

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Re: wifi utility

Post by Reefology »

Ok now able to upload sketches but still having trouble with the wifi attachment. It's slow blinking green and I see it on my router but not able to communicate with the portal. How do I know if I have set up port forwarding correctly?

Here's my router info:

Host Name IP Address MAC Address type Interface Status
ReefAngelWifi 00:06:66:21:EE:DB DHCP-Reserved 2.4Ghz

Port Forwarding Rules
Application Name Public Private Protocol Local IP Address Remote IP Address Status Manage
Reef 2000~2000 2000~2000 TCP Any ON OFF Manage
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Re: wifi utility

Post by rimai »

Do you have 2 routers?
One from internet and one for wifi?
Posts: 235
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Re: wifi utility

Post by Reefology »

Thanks Roberto. No just one, why?
Posts: 12881
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Re: wifi utility

Post by rimai »

If you had two, you would need port forwarding on both of them.
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