NEW RA* will not take initial setup

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NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

I've been trying on and off over the last few months to get this new RA* running and I may be at my end.

I go through the wizard, easy. I compile code, easy.

Upload - timeout.

Cancel upload, disconnect and reconnect - the thing beeeeeeeeps at me until I unplug it again.

Plug it in again and the webwizard no longer sees the port.

Is there a way to reset this thing? The welcome screen doesn't come on anymore when I plug it in.

I BADLY want this thing to work but can't find any documentation that addresses any of this.

Please Help.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

Let's try uploading a code locally.
Download the attached zip file and uncompress it to your desktop.
Inside, you will see a file called factory.bat
Edit it on notepad and change the com port shown to the com port used by RA*.
Save the file and double-click to execute it.
Report back.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

I have a few questions because I wasn't able to figure this out.

My unit only has a constant beeeeeeep w/ red light when plugged in with a black screen.

- I use a MAC. Is this OK?
- What COM port does the RA* use?
- When we talk about uploading it locally, we are talking about using the Arduino App, correct?
- I cannot see the unit when plugged in using arduino. Is there a version I should use?

Thanks for the info and code. I really appreciate the help.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

The files were made to be used on a PC.
Do you have a PC to try this?
Otherwise, I have to figure out how to make this work on a Mac.
The com port RA* uses would be shown on the web wizard as a port to upload code.
The files in the attached zip file contain everything you need to upload a plain vanilla code. No need to use Arduino.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

OK - I'll find one. The com port no longer shows on the web wizard.

We'll see if I can get a PC to use over the weekend.

I'll check back.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

So I connected to the webwizard from a PC and the com port showed up COM3. When I connect from my mac (to the webwizard) I get this as my com: /dev/cu.usbserial-A90K3CTF

Did I miss a step in the setup to make my Mac's com port to recognize?

Will I need to buy a PC to make updates to the code?


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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

They are the same thing. Mac call it one way and pc call it another way, but they are the same thing.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

OK - I can try again with updates. If I set it up via the cloud, can I push code that way, rather than disconnecting my tank and plugging it into my computer?

I want to do more with defining functions for "Modes" - like auto water changes, etc. Wonder if a cloud setup would be the most practical way to keep it all connected and push code as I need it.

Thanks again!
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

Correct. You can push the code through the cloud server.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

What else do I need to buy to make this cloud compatible?
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

Simply plug RA* to the ethernet port on your router.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

Do you need a wireless setup?
If you don't, you just need to connect to your internet router directly.
If you do want to go wireless, this module should work as long as it can act as a wireless client. I can't remember if they do. I'll send you the ones I have tested in the past.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

please do
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by jhoop »

On my unit I have to hold reset button down until after compile then release it....It will then load after playing with the reset button. I have two RA+ and they both do that.

Hope that will help
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

Thanks for the info! I ordered and will let you know how it works!
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

OK, got the client router and it works BUT I can't find the documentation on how I get my connected Reef Angel Star to take code remotely or stream my settings.

Is there another manual I'm not seeing? What is the process?


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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

Were you able to load your code at least once using the cable through the webwizard?
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

Yes via a PC
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

Does it say cloud connected on status page of the controller?
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

Yes lol

I just don't dont know what to do to make the wizard push code to it & to get my app to see it. My app doesn't seem to see the new controller (still sees the RA+ on the local network). Maybe my port & ip are wrong? Where do I verify?

Any setup instructions??

Is always says:

Progress: 100.00%
Your code was compiled sucessfully.

Remote upload firmware is ready.
Your Reef Angel Star should download and start the new firmware next time it connects to the server.
This process may take up to 5 minutes.

My code has the correct encryption // RA_STRING1=U2FsdGVkX19X+4/68xPrebFiXyZaGhB7f6S5dcIGZjg=

Thanks again for all of your help
Last edited by MDandD on Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

That's it.
It will update itself next time it connects to the portal.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

Why won't the app see it?

Not sure how to find the port & IP of the RA* but it still sees my local RA+
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

I am assuming you are using the web based uapp, correct?
When setting up the new profile, you must leave port and ip address blank. If you already entered something, it is best to delete the profile and add another one.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

So it connects to the web based Uapp - but the labels do not come over and it logs me out every time it gets closed.

The iPhone App does not connect at all. It is the latest version.
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by rimai »

You need to download labels. Click the menu and you will see the option.
The iPhone app hasn't been updated to work with the new cloud server
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Re: NEW RA* will not take initial setup

Post by MDandD »

As for the labels, yes, I did that and nothing shows up. I guess I'll keep trying over time bc whatever bugs we are having with the RA* is preventing me from really using this like I did the RA+. I'll document what I did so far so people who buy it next can follow along.

Good to know about the iphone. I hope we can see that updated soon so I don't have to go through the login process every time I want to see parameters.

Thanks for all of your help and quick replies.
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