Salinity error

Expansion modules and attachments
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Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

The error is most likely on my part. My salinity probe has been working fine since I installed and originally calibrated it. Since then, I hadn't calibrated and felt my readings were off after many weeks. So, I calibrated through menu. When I put probe in 35 solution the LCD read. "35 ppt 0". No fluctuation, like with ph calibration.

After exiting, it reads 59 regardless of what it is reading (RO=59, tank=59)

What did I do wrong?
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

And with the decimal adjustment it reads 6 ppt
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

It didn't calibrate.
"35ppt 0" means it wasn't reading anything.
Can you go through the calibration again and make sure that you get readings?? Check the cables and the probe.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

Checked all cables, recalibrated, same results.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

It needs to read a value other than 0. Usually around 3000 depending on probe and module.
If it reads 0, the controller is either not seeing the module or the module doesn't see the probe.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

I will take it apart tomorrow and check again. Thanks.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

Took everything apart and checked programming, cables. Still no reading. When I enter calibration, the red "0" never fluctuates.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

Would you like to send it for repair?
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

Is that what you would suggest?
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

If you aready checked all the cables, I don't know what else you can do.
Amos Poh
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Re: Salinity error

Post by Amos Poh »

Roberto I have a set that has the same issue.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

Upload this code:

Code: Select all

 * I2CScanner.pde -- I2C bus scanner for Arduino
 * 2009, Tod E. Kurt,

#include "Wire.h"
extern "C" { 
#include "utility/twi.h"  // from Wire library, so we can do bus scanning

// Scan the I2C bus between addresses from_addr and to_addr.
// On each address, call the callback function with the address and result.
// If result==0, address was found, otherwise, address wasn't found
// (can use result to potentially get other status on the I2C bus, see twi.c)
// Assumes Wire.begin() has already been called
void scanI2CBus(byte from_addr, byte to_addr, 
void(*callback)(byte address, byte result) ) 
  byte rc;
  byte data = 0; // not used, just an address to feed to twi_writeTo()
  for( byte addr = from_addr; addr <= to_addr; addr++ ) {
    rc = twi_writeTo(addr, &data, 0, 1, true);
    callback( addr, rc );

// Called when address is found in scanI2CBus()
// Feel free to change this as needed
// (like adding I2C comm code to figure out what kind of I2C device is there)
void scanFunc( byte addr, byte result ) {
  Serial.print("addr: ");
  Serial.print( (result==0) ? " found!":"       ");
  Serial.print( (addr%4) ? "\t":"\n");

byte start_address = 1;
byte end_address = 128;

// standard Arduino setup()
void setup()
  Serial.println("\nI2CScanner ready!");

  Serial.print("starting scanning of I2C bus from ");
  Serial.print(" to ");

  // start the scan, will call "scanFunc()" on result from each address
  scanI2CBus( start_address, end_address, scanFunc );


// standard Arduino loop()
void loop() 
  // Nothing to do here, so we'll just blink the built-in LED
Then, go to menu Tools->Serial Monitor.
Make sure you have 57600 baud rate.
Copy and paste what you have in the monitor.
If it doesn't show anything, reboot the controller.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

Where do I place this code? I'm still pretty new to this.
Posts: 12857
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

Copy and paste the whole thing in a blank sketch
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

When I upload code does it add to what i have, or replace all existing code? Sorry for such a basic question.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

It will replace what you have. You do the test and reload your code again.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

I2CScanner ready!
starting scanning of I2C bus from 1 to 128...
addr: 1 addr: 2 addr: 3 addr: 4
addr: 5 addr: 6 addr: 7 addr: 8
addr: 9 addr: A addr: B addr: C
addr: D addr: E addr: F addr: 10
addr: 11 addr: 12 addr: 13 addr: 14
addr: 15 addr: 16 addr: 17 addr: 18
addr: 19 addr: 1A addr: 1B addr: 1C
addr: 1D addr: 1E addr: 1F addr: 20 found!
addr: 21 addr: 22 addr: 23 addr: 24
addr: 25 addr: 26 addr: 27 addr: 28
addr: 29 addr: 2A addr: 2B addr: 2C
addr: 2D addr: 2E addr: 2F addr: 30
addr: 31 addr: 32 addr: 33 addr: 34
addr: 35 addr: 36 addr: 37 addr: 38
addr: 39 addr: 3A addr: 3B addr: 3C
addr: 3D addr: 3E addr: 3F addr: 40
addr: 41 addr: 42 addr: 43 addr: 44
addr: 45 addr: 46 addr: 47 addr: 48
addr: 49 addr: 4A addr: 4B addr: 4C
addr: 4D found! addr: 4E addr: 4F addr: 50 found!
addr: 51 addr: 52 addr: 53 addr: 54 found!
addr: 55 addr: 56 addr: 57 addr: 58
addr: 59 addr: 5A addr: 5B addr: 5C
addr: 5D addr: 5E addr: 5F addr: 60
addr: 61 addr: 62 addr: 63 addr: 64
addr: 65 addr: 66 addr: 67 addr: 68 found!
addr: 69 addr: 6A addr: 6B addr: 6C
addr: 6D addr: 6E addr: 6F addr: 70
addr: 71 addr: 72 addr: 73 addr: 74
addr: 75 addr: 76 addr: 77 addr: 78
addr: 79 addr: 7A addr: 7B addr: 7C
addr: 7D addr: 7E addr: 7F addr: 80

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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

Then I try to recalibrate and while calibrating
35.0ppt solution reads 0, no fluctuation
Tap water reads 0, no fluctuation
Tank fluctuates around 570 +/- 10

Does this make any sense?
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

4D found! means that the controller is seeing the salinity module just fine.
The problem is probably the probe. Can you check the probe cable?? Try pushing and pulling carefully to see if it is not displaced somehow.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »

At the tip of the probe itself, one of the wires connecting the small plate within the glass, seems to have some significant rust. Is there a way to send you a picture?
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

PM sent
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »


Received package today. Installed it and calibrated in 35 solution. It read 3320. This sounds like the correct range, from what you have said before. I knew my salinity was high and it read about what I expected. As I lowered my tank's salinity, probe seems to read as expected.

It looks like it is working great. Agreed?

Your customer service and support is wonderful!

Thank you!
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

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Re: Salinity error

Post by Ademster »

My Salinity Probe just Stopped working properly
I made a probe mount, pulled it out of the water, put it through the holder...

then it dropped to 6ppt?

Do I have to re-calibrate it?

I never calibrated it when I fist got it. but it was reading correctly
58 Gal
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

Did you check the cables?
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Re: Salinity error

Post by Ademster »

I did, I unplugged it and plugged it back in.

I may completely disconnect the module, and probe, and try again. and also reset the reef angel.

58 Gal
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Re: Salinity error

Post by Ademster »

Unplugged it, disconnected power to the salinity module, rebooted the RA. No change.

Went into the calibration mode, it just come off of ZERO.

58 Gal
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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

PM me for replacement.
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Re: Salinity error

Post by timmcq »


My replacement probe seemed to work for a while. Then I started getting odd readings - all wrong. I have checked all cables and disconnected and reinstalled, also recalibrated several times. It never recalibrated properly, as you described earlier in the thread.

When I disconnected cables, I noticed than the inside of the bnc connector from probe to extension seemed wet. Researching further, I notice that the probe itself appears to have water inside. I assume that the probe itself should be sealed.


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Re: Salinity error

Post by rimai »

What number did you get while calibrating?
Can you place the probe in a cup of tank water, go through the calibration and leave it inside the cup?
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