0K, so a reef angel did the initial programming for me. Now I want to add two dosing pumps to free ports using the Reef Wizard. I assume that what I need to do is:
1. Turn on the controller and connect it to my PC using the USB/TTL wire.
2. Pull up the Reef Wizard and move to the screen for the free first free port.
3. Select Dosing Pump.
4. In my case, I will select turn on every 30 minutes for 20 seconds a pop, which using a BRS 1.1 ml per minute dosing pump would add about 17.5 ml of calc or alk solution a day.
5. I would also choose an offset of 5 minutes so that the two dosers do not dose at the same time.
6. Repeat all this on the next free port.
7. I would then move forward to the screen that offers two options: Generate & Upload or Generate Only.
8. On this screen, I would choose Generate & Upload, right? What if I get an error message as I did when trying this in the past? Do I then hit Generate Only?
Are there any additional steps I need to take to use the two ports to power the dosers? If so, I would greatly appreciate your help. If you respond, please pretend you are talking to an idiot who does not know the first thing about programming. That would be me.
Programming Dosers with Reef Wizard
Programming Dosers with Reef Wizard
First of all two questions. What ports are they on and do you have wifi?
Re: Programming Dosers with Reef Wizard
They are ports on the first of my two relay boxes. I have the wireless but have not yet been able to set it up. Should I try to install the wireless first?
Programming Dosers with Reef Wizard
Without the wifi you'll have to hard code those numbers....once you get the wifi setup you can change it to use memory settings and program it from the portal.
Example of memory based:
For now try this:
The arguments are port#,offset minutes,repeat minutes,runtime seconds
Example of memory based:
For now try this:
The arguments are port#,offset minutes,repeat minutes,runtime seconds
Re: Programming Dosers with Reef Wizard
So to do that, I open Arduino, then open My Code, go to the section of the code copied below, which seems to set out the functions of the ports on the main relay box) and paste the code you gave me?
If so, where exactly do I paste it if I want to run the dosers from ports 7 and 8 of Box 1 (i.e., the first relay box)?
In place of "ReefAngel.StandardFan( Box1_Port7,825,830 )"?
After "////// Place your custom code below here"?
Or somewhere else?
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port1,8,0,10,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port2,9,0,11,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port3,7,0,15,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port4,8,0,12,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardFan( Port5,810,815 );
ReefAngel.SingleATO( true,Port6,61,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Box1_Port1,10,0,12,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardHeater( Box1_Port2,780,790 );
ReefAngel.Wavemaker( Box1_Port5,1200 );
ReefAngel.Relay.Set( Box1_Port6, !ReefAngel.Relay.Status( ExpansionBoxPort5 ) );
ReefAngel.StandardFan( Box1_Port7,825,830 );
////// Place your custom code below here
So to do that, I open Arduino, then open My Code, go to the section of the code copied below, which seems to set out the functions of the ports on the main relay box) and paste the code you gave me?
If so, where exactly do I paste it if I want to run the dosers from ports 7 and 8 of Box 1 (i.e., the first relay box)?
In place of "ReefAngel.StandardFan( Box1_Port7,825,830 )"?
After "////// Place your custom code below here"?
Or somewhere else?
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port1,8,0,10,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port2,9,0,11,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port3,7,0,15,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port4,8,0,12,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardFan( Port5,810,815 );
ReefAngel.SingleATO( true,Port6,61,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardLights( Box1_Port1,10,0,12,0 );
ReefAngel.StandardHeater( Box1_Port2,780,790 );
ReefAngel.Wavemaker( Box1_Port5,1200 );
ReefAngel.Relay.Set( Box1_Port6, !ReefAngel.Relay.Status( ExpansionBoxPort5 ) );
ReefAngel.StandardFan( Box1_Port7,825,830 );
////// Place your custom code below here
Re: Programming Dosers with Reef Wizard
Box1 is actually the expansion box 1
The main box doesn't have Box in front of it...
So, your code would be:
You can place right below ////// Place your custom code below here and you should be good
The main box doesn't have Box in front of it...
So, your code would be:
Code: Select all