Whenever the mode changes the pumps just shut-off??? Not sure what is going on.
Both pumps are WP-25
I had to extend the wires for the dimming so they would reach the relay box. Checked continuity and nothing broken.
Code: Select all
if (hour()>=6 && hour()<9) {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( LongPulseMode(30,50,10,true) ); // Long pulse hi/low 50%20% 10s pulse on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( LongPulseMode(30,50,10,false) ); // Long pulse hi/low 50%20% 10s pulse on anti-sync mode
} else if (hour()>=9 && hour()<11) {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( ShortPulseMode(0,60,200,true) ); // Short pulse at 60% with 200ms pulse on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( ShortPulseMode(0,60,200,false) ); // Short pulse at 60% with 200ms pulse on anti-sync mode
} else if ( (hour()>=11 && hour()<13) && (now()-feeding > SECS_PER_DAY) ) { // We haven't fed today
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( NutrientTransportMode(30,60,6000,true) );
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( NutrientTransportMode(30,60,6000,false) );
} else if (hour()>=11 && hour()<13) {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( ReefCrestMode(70,20,true) ); // ReefCrest at 70% +/- 20% on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( ReefCrestMode(70,20,false) ); // ReefCrest at 70% +/- 20% on anti-sync mode
} else if (hour()>=13 && hour ()<15) {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( ShortPulseMode(0,60,200,true) ); // Short pulse at 60% with 200ms pulse on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( ShortPulseMode(0,60,200,false) ); // Short pulse at 60% with 200ms pulse on anti-sync mode
} else if (hour()>=15 && hour()<17) {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( ReefCrestMode(50,20,true) ); // ReefCrest at 70% +/- 20% on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( ReefCrestMode(50,20,false) ); // ReefCrest at 70% +/- 20% on anti-sync mode
} else if (hour()>=17 && hour ()<19) {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( TideMode(50,30,70) ); // TidalSwell at 45% on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( TideMode(50,30,70) ); // TidalSwell at 45% on sync mode
} else if (hour()>=19 && hour ()<21) {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( TidalSwellMode(45,true) ); // TidalSwell at 45% on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( TidalSwellMode(45,true) ); // TidalSwell at 45% on sync mode
} else {
ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight( LongPulseMode(30,50,10,true) ); // Long pulse hi/low 50%20% 10s pulse on sync mode
ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic( LongPulseMode(30,50,10,false) ); // Long pulse hi/low 50%20% 10s pulse on anti-sync mode