ReefAngel Client Suite 2.2
ReefAngel Client Suite 2.2
Are the settings under the Memory tab/ Timers in seconds?
Re: ReefAngel Client Suite 2.2
Obviously I am new at this but... I used the client to adjust the relay labels today and they reversed the outlets they were suppose to turn on. When I turn on what is labeled Daylight (relay 8) relay 1 turns on. I labeled Relay 3 as skimmer and relay 6 is on, Relay 1 "Sump" turns Relay 8 on... I have not gone through all of them yet to find if it is a complete 180 flip yet. I am positive about this. I printed out labels 1-8 and put them on the outlets before I started and I have checked at least four times before posting this that I didn't confuse something.
Re: ReefAngel Client Suite 2.2
No like this
This is a pic direct from the Client, which is the same as the manual. But your picture is what I am testing the outlets to be functioning as.
This is a pic direct from the Client, which is the same as the manual. But your picture is what I am testing the outlets to be functioning as.
Re: ReefAngel Client Suite 2.2
I think the Client may have the ports labeled wrong. Looks like we are going to have to get after Dave for that one. Of course we can't get after him too much, I've made plenty of my own mistakes.
Re: ReefAngel Client Suite 2.2
One last question then... How do I tell what I want each relay to do? In the RAGen I can understand how I tell each port what to do for each profile. However I don't see how to do that in the Client. I.E how do I define the MH Light to be relay 6 or heater to be on Relay 7, etc...? The Client is communicating well... so I am nervous of stopping it to get the RaGen talking.
Re: ReefAngel Client Suite 2.2
That screen you posted a picture of above is where you would do that. The Client doesn't have anything to do with what the ports do on the controller. That's just for your reference. The labels inside the Client get sent to for a web banner. So just change the names on that screen and you are set. There shouldn't be a reason to stop it and uploading anything with RAGen if everything is functioning as you want it to.
Here's a brief (and very brief) synopsis:
RAGen - Create controller code
Client - Monitor status of controller (no code creation)
Here's a brief (and very brief) synopsis:
RAGen - Create controller code
Client - Monitor status of controller (no code creation)