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Add User Variable tab

Poll ended at Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:13 pm

Yes, Add User Variables tab.
No, Lets focus on a different feature.
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Share Your Ideas & Suggestions Here!

Post by brennyn21 »

Post your thoughts, ideas, or any alternative suggestions under this topic. Based on your feedback, we'll consider incorporating these features in future updates of the Uapp.

I am considering adding a User Variables Tab to the Uapp and would like your input and suggestions.
The goal would be to to provide a space for logging manual parameters or events. This would add the ability to easily record and track key metrics like alkalinity, calcium, nitrate levels, or even when your last water change, pump cleaning, or filter socks were changed. These are just examples, but you get the idea. Each entry would include the date it was recorded, helping you maintain a detailed history of these parameters and events.

Looking forward to hearing from your feedback.
Sincerely, Brennyn
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Re: Share Your Ideas & Suggestions Here!

Post by Piper »

I would absolutely love to be able to log and track custom variables. i.e. water test results. That would be nice to have all in one place.

Another thing I would really like is to be able to remove a relay box from view. I had a problem with Box 2 going haywire on me and not toggling the relays sporadically. I tried multiple boxes, old style and new, set up as Box 2 and could not get it working right. I had to set up my 2nd relay box as Box 3 to get around that problem. That leaves Box 2 showing in the Uapp when it does not physically exist on the controller. I'd like to be able to toggle that off from view. I would also like to be able to label the relay boxes in the app.

Also, I noticed tonight in the labels for IO, there is a 06 when 05 should be the last one.

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Re: Share Your Ideas & Suggestions Here!

Post by brennyn21 »

That is weird about your expansion box 2 having issues, I have 2 boxes on my system, and haven't had any issues.

Have you tried using expansion box 2 since moving your star to the new servers? There were a couple bugs I found going through the libraries that I fixed.

As for logging custom variables you can type in the short name in the graphs menu in the custom text box at the bottom. For example custom variable 0 would be c0 you can graph all custom variable, just separate each entry with a comma. example c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7

If you click on the Uapp version number it will open the uapp manual outlining most of the features of the Uapp, and the names to graph other parameters.

As for the IO labels I actually need to add IO channel 7 as well. With the cloud wifi hub it has 2 more IO ports which are by default are set to channel 6 and 7. I still need to implement these into the email alerts, wizard, and libraries.

Now that many of the users have migrated over I think most of the bugs have been worked out so I will start working on adding the user variables into the Uapp to keep track of manual tests.
Sincerely, Brennyn
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Re: Share Your Ideas & Suggestions Here!

Post by Piper »

It’s been 6 months or better since I tried box 2. I’ll switch box 3 back to 2 this weekend and see how it goes.

I forgot all about the cloud hub having two IO ports!
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Re: Share Your Ideas & Suggestions Here!

Post by brennyn21 »

I've made some progress on the uapp today, before I add the user variables tab I wanted to implement authentication for the non cloud users and add better security overall to the uapp. I'll work on implementation of the user variables next.
If you want to test it and check it out it's
When you go add your controller now you simply use your forum username and password, and then check the checkbox if it's a cloud connection or not. For non cloud users it will now dynamically retrieve the public IP and port after successfully logging in and if your public ip changes you can click the refresh button in the settings on the controller page to retrieve the updated IP.

It not officially released yet and won't be for a while as users are still moving over, but if everything works well it's going to be in the next release. No changes are needed to your reef angel controller.

Let me know what you guys think! :D
Sincerely, Brennyn
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Re: Share Your Ideas & Suggestions Here!

Post by brennyn21 »

Hello all, the next update of the Uapp will be released March 1st.

A few things have been added that I think most people will be happy with.

First now on Menu you will see "Edit Dashboard" this is where you can go in and hide certain parameters on the Parameters page, IO page, and Dimming Page so if you aren't using all channels of the multi water level you can now hide them from showing.

You can now install the Reef Angel Uapp on your android device or desktop PC. When you now go to the uapp it will prompt if you would like to install the app on your device, for IOS users the only option available is to add to home screen, due to the fact IOS doesn't allow progressive web app to prompt for install.

The add controller page has changed as well, for non cloud users you will now just login with your forum username and password and you no longer have to set your public IP or port this will be dynamically retrieved, and if your public ip changes there is now a refresh button on the controller in the settings which will fetch the newest Public IP.

User variables is now been created and setup this allows you to input up to 8 user variables which can be set to anything. You will also now see a calendar which I will explain more below. If you manually take test of your aquarium you can now input them into the user variables. You can change the name of the user variables in the label settings and the user variables can be and numbers or characters. You also have the option to display the user variables on the parameters page and add them to the calendar when they are updated. As for the calendar you can now keep track of tasks, events or really anything you would like. You create tasks/events to keep track of maintenance, or when you purchase a new fish coral, or when its time to change your water or carbon the possibilities are endless. Each event/task can be setup to have an email reminder sent 1 hour before the event is due, or you can even schedule events/ tasks to be daily, monthly or yearly.

The graphs have also been updated to the newest version so they make look a little different, but all functionality is the same.

Please play around with it by going to /uappdev if you find any bugs or issues please let me know so i can get them fixed, but in the meantime check it out and please provide some feedback or changes you suggest.

I will be working on updating the Uapp Manual and it will be available once we move to the updated Uapp. The old Uapp will continue to be available and I will provide a link after March 1st.

Next task is getting the products back in stock, developing new products for Reef Angel, and attracting new Reef Angel Users so we can grow this awesome community.
Sincerely, Brennyn
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