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Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 5:40 pm
by lnevo
Are you running your pumps in sync (both true) or anti-sync (One true, the other false in the function calls)? maybe try it the opposite way.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 1:47 pm
by Smotz
ReeferBee wrote:Thanks for the code Steve. it will be nice to free up the two outlets that my wp40's plugged into.
So to include water change I would just add this?
Code: Select all
if( ReefAngel.DisplayedMenu==FEEDING_MODE ) ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic(0);
if( ReefAngel.DisplayedMenu==WATERCHANGE_MODE ) ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic(0);
I set my speed to 25 during feeding mode for a bit a transport
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:07 pm
by Sacohen
My Anemones, Toadstool Leather, Frogspawn, and Kenya tree all hated the 25 at full power on the stock controller.
I wound up taking the 25's out of the tank and putting the 40 in controlled with the Reef Angel.
I tried the 25 at the same settings as I had the 40 at and it didn't behave right. When I set the 25 to run at 30% during the night it would run for a bit and then stop. This never happened with the 40.
The 25's run perfectly fine with the stock controller, never stopped or anything, but they were to strong for my 55.
I can get better control and positioning with the 40 then the 25's
I'm going to wind up selling the 25's.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:15 pm
by bhazard
Don't jump the gun. It may be a simple fix.
I ordered a wp-25 with speed control just for fun.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 1:46 pm
by Sacohen
No big deal. I actually like the WP40 better in the tank when controlled by the Reef Angel.
Since the nozzle is bigger I get a more dispersed flow out of it.
Besides I didn't lose money on the WP-25's.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 2:30 pm
by cosmith71
Do you have buyers for the wp-25s?
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 2:34 pm
by Sacohen
I sold then both in 1 & 1/2 days and had 4 or 5 other offers.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:46 pm
by Sebyte
I wound up taking the 25's out of the tank and putting the 40 in controlled with the Reef Angel.
This may be a dumb question, but could you not have just substituted the 25 for the 40 on the RA controller?
Are the connections different on the 25 and needs a different harness?
I assume that the code would be the same?
My WP-25 arrives late next week, so I keen to know what's what!
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:14 pm
by Sacohen
Sebyte wrote:I wound up taking the 25's out of the tank and putting the 40 in controlled with the Reef Angel.
This may be a dumb question, but could you not have just substituted the 25 for the 40 on the RA controller?
Are the connections different on the 25 and needs a different harness?
I assume that the code would be the same?
My WP-25 arrives late next week, so I keen to know what's what!
Yes you could and I did.
The connections are the same.
2 reasons I went with the WP40.
First with the WP25 when I set it to a night mode that I programmed with the RA 30% it would run for about 30 min and then stop.
RRasco has had the same issues and he is trying to determine if it is the code or something else.
Even though the WP25 had a smaller footprint (which was very nice) I like the fact that the flow of the water seemed to be a little more dispersed or spread out with the WP40 (probably because of the larger nozzle).
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:27 pm
by Thavngr98
bhazard wrote:Still haven't found a setting that can make a wave similar to what the Jebao box W1 mode can do. Anyone have a setting that can do this or comes close?
I hooked my WP40 up tonight and spent about 3 hours trying to replicate the wave I got from W1 and I just cant do it. I was talking to Roberto and Lee and they gave me some ideas but none replicate it. Right now I am on short pulse 0,75,3. I told Roberto I could of sworn the the pump actually pushed and then pulled in W1 mode. I am going to hook up the stock controller tomorrow and see if I was crazy or not for thinking that.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:08 am
by bhazard
Thavngr98 wrote:bhazard wrote:Still haven't found a setting that can make a wave similar to what the Jebao box W1 mode can do. Anyone have a setting that can do this or comes close?
I hooked my WP40 up tonight and spent about 3 hours trying to replicate the wave I got from W1 and I just cant do it. I was talking to Roberto and Lee and they gave me some ideas but none replicate it. Right now I am on short pulse 0,75,3. I told Roberto I could of sworn the the pump actually pushed and then pulled in W1 mode. I am going to hook up the stock controller tomorrow and see if I was crazy or not for thinking that.
Based on what i did with the Apex, the pulse to make a W1 wave is around .7 seconds on, and .4 seconds off. I just got my long usb cable, so I need to try different code.
I'm using the wizard to generate with functions "in the code". Should I change it to "internal memory"? The last time I tried to generate code via internal memory, the screen on the RA turned black and would not function. This might be a reason I'm having trouble with modes in the portal.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:23 am
by Thavngr98
Ive always used the wizard "internal memory" to do the basic settings then I usually update the generated ino file to make it do exactly what I want to do. NOW keep in mind there may be a better way of doing it, this just works for me.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:46 am
by bhazard
Thavngr98 wrote:Ive always used the wizard "internal memory" to do the basic settings then I usually update the generated ino file to make it do exactly what I want to do. NOW keep in mind there may be a better way of doing it, this just works for me.
Can I see your .ino? Maybe we can figure this out.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 6:19 pm
by Thavngr98
Of course. That's what makes this product so great! Sharing. It's in the My PDE/INO section. It's labeled with my username.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:57 pm
by oscarinw
Hey folks, not trying to hijack your thread here. I need a bit of help with my controllable pump... Still trying to figure out if it's doable and if so how... I can't post links or send private messages I'm such a noob, but if you search for 'Help to connect a certain controllable pump to my ATO DWM' you will find it.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:44 am
by bhazard
What would be code to make a wave with a .7 second on time, and a .4 second off time. That would mimic W1 on the Jebao controller. It works solid for Tunze too
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:46 am
by lnevo
Where x is the on speed and y is the off speed.
1000 is the number of milliseconds we are looking at
700 is the first .7 seconds use x for speed
Anything over that (.3 in this case, use y for speed.
Condition ? X : Y
Is another way to see if / then / else
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:23 am
by bhazard
lnevo wrote:ReefAngel.PWM.SetDaylight(millis()%1000<700?x:y)
Where x is the on speed and y is the off speed.
1000 is the number of milliseconds we are looking at
700 is the first .7 seconds use x for speed
Anything over that (.3 in this case, use y for speed.
Condition ? X : Y
Is another way to see if / then / else
Hmm. .7 and .3 doesn't work as well as .7/.4 and .8/.4.
So would millis()%1200<800?x:y be valid for .8 and .4?
For sync/anti-sync with SetActinic, what could be used?
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:36 am
by Sacohen
Sync = True.
Anti--sync = False
Is that what you are looking for?
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:37 am
by lnevo
For antisync just reverse the x y or you could have an overlap with the inverse
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:57 pm
by bhazard
lnevo wrote:Yes!
For antisync just reverse the x y or you could have an overlap with the inverse
That did it!
This recreates W1, and is a much nicer wave than anything from the Vortech functions. I used:
I think they are both at 80% on/off, but sometimes they seem to turn on/off quicker than the alloted time. It makes a nice random change up though.
Now to set it so that at 11pm the wave drops down to 40%, morning to 60%, and midday to 80%. How would that look?
Honestly, I don't think the Vortech functions are working correctly with the Jebaos from both lnevo and Jimmy's code. Other than Reef Crest, they don't seem to match at all or be working any different.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:17 pm
by lnevo
Awesome...someone recently just posted a great time based example..
As far as my original code, i had the resolutions all wrong which is why they probably suck...
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:43 pm
by bhazard
lnevo wrote:Awesome...someone recently just posted a great time based example..
As far as my original code, i had the resolutions all wrong which is why they probably suck...
I'll have to look for the time based one.
My Sailfin Tang loves it. He "surfs" the wave like a treadmill in front of the pump just like with W1. It's hilarious.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:25 pm
by ReeferBee
So by replacing the x:y with 80:0 you are setting the pumps to 80% power?
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:32 pm
by lnevo
80 on the high and 0 on the low pulse
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:34 pm
by markywmson
here are a couple pages that have time-based modes.
I copied mine off ReeferBee and made changes
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:14 pm
by roswaldreef
Has anyone had any luck with the WP-25s running the on the same code as the WP-40s?
Sounds like some had issues with the pumps stopping when the flow was dialed down - has anyone had any luck fixing this?
I'm expecting a pair of new WP-25s shortly, and I was hoping to have them ready to rock with my ReefAngel.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:44 am
by Sacohen
I was one of the ones that had problems with the WP-25 stopping when it stayed at 30% during night mode.
I was running a custom code the Roberto created and it worked fine during the day when the code ramped between 35 & 50%, but when it went to 30% at night it would stop.
I didn't try any of the other modes in RA, but I know rrasco had the same problems as I did with a modification to the code I was using, but when he switched to long pulse mode he has not had any problems.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:08 pm
by ReeferBee
Has anyone figured out how to replicate the else mode? Something that consist of ramping speeds up and down with some short and long pulse mixed in. I really liked the randomness of it.
Re: JEBO WP-40
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:39 am
by Sacohen
This is a custom code that Roberto Created for someone else and I'm using as well.
It is pretty random.
Add this to the end of your code:
Code: Select all
byte MyCustomWave(byte maxspeed)
static byte randomspeed=0;
if (now()%11<5)
return randomspeed;
else if (now()%11>=5 && now()%11<10)
return maxspeed;
return 0;
And call your function like this:
Code: Select all