LED Lights "Pulsing" with PWM Module / Slope
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:54 pm
I've got 2 LED fixtures using a total of 4 meanwell ELN-60-48D drivers, and my PWM Module was modified by Roberto to send analog signals in lieu of PWM signals. I'm using channels 0-3 on the PWM module (0 & 1 for blues/actinics, 2 & 3 for whites/daylights).
When I first received the modified module, I hooked up my lights and loaded some test code that allowed me to manually select an intensity % for each channel. It seemed to work flawlessly. Well, my lights would flicker briefly then power off at 9% which is typical for these drivers (10% was fine for all channels) but other than that the lights worked at any % from 10-100.
After uploading new coding with PWM slope function to control ramping up/down my LED's... I now get this "pulsing" affect on all channels while the slope is either ramping up or ramping down. It appears to be fine in between the ramping durations, so I'm thinking there might be something wrong with how this is working.
When I say it's "pulsing" I mean that it's a tiny increase in brightness for a split second, at about every 1-2 second intervals. IE. if the channel is at 10%, about every second or two (too fast to actully time it) the lights will appear to brighten up to about 15% (just a guess based on appearance) and then back to 10%. It's like a heart beat on a heart-rate monitor. Sorry, best way I can explain it.
When I look at my controller head unit, my display seems to refresh at almost the same instance as the lights pulsing. So, my gut feeling is that the pulse is happening on every round of the loop section. Could it be that the slope calculation is causing some confusion to the drivers?
Here's my current .ino file
Any ideas why this is happening or how to fix it?
When I first received the modified module, I hooked up my lights and loaded some test code that allowed me to manually select an intensity % for each channel. It seemed to work flawlessly. Well, my lights would flicker briefly then power off at 9% which is typical for these drivers (10% was fine for all channels) but other than that the lights worked at any % from 10-100.
After uploading new coding with PWM slope function to control ramping up/down my LED's... I now get this "pulsing" affect on all channels while the slope is either ramping up or ramping down. It appears to be fine in between the ramping durations, so I'm thinking there might be something wrong with how this is working.
When I say it's "pulsing" I mean that it's a tiny increase in brightness for a split second, at about every 1-2 second intervals. IE. if the channel is at 10%, about every second or two (too fast to actully time it) the lights will appear to brighten up to about 15% (just a guess based on appearance) and then back to 10%. It's like a heart beat on a heart-rate monitor. Sorry, best way I can explain it.
When I look at my controller head unit, my display seems to refresh at almost the same instance as the lights pulsing. So, my gut feeling is that the pulse is happening on every round of the loop section. Could it be that the slope calculation is causing some confusion to the drivers?
Here's my current .ino file
Code: Select all
// Autogenerated file by RAGen (v1.2.1.158), (03/08/2012 22:54)
// RA_030812_2254.ino
// This version designed for v0.9.0 or later
/* The following features are enabled for this File:
#define DisplayImages
#define DateTimeSetup
#define DirectTempSensor
#define DisplayLEDPWM
#define wifi
#define StandardLightSetup
#define SaveRelayState
#define RelayExp
#define InstalledRelayExpansionModules 1
#define WDT
#define FONT_8x16
#define NUMBERS_8x16
#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <Globals.h>
#include <RA_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <InternalEEPROM.h>
#include <RA_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <RA_ATO.h>
#include <RA_Joystick.h>
#include <LED.h>
#include <RA_TempSensor.h>
#include <Relay.h>
#include <RA_PWM.h>
#include <Timer.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <RF.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
//--------------------------------------------------- Start of Global Variables ---------------------------------------------------
// This is just how we are going to reference the PWM expansion ports within the code.
// You can change the labels if you would like, just as long as they are changed all throughout the code too.
#define LEDPWM0 0
#define LEDPWM1 1
#define LEDPWM2 2
#define LEDPWM3 3
#define LEDPWM4 4
#define LEDPWM5 5
// Initial values to all 6 PWM channels at startup. They will always be 0.
byte PWMChannel[]={
// Globals Needed for Params on Custom Main
byte x,y;
char text[10];
int v;
// Globals Needed for RF Mode on Custom Main
byte vtechmode;
boolean bFeeding=false;
//------------------------------------------------------ End of Global Variables --------------------------------------------------
//---------------------------------------------Custom Main for PWM Expansion Module------------------------------------------------
void DrawCustomMain()
//Top Banner
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawText(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_SKYBLUE, 9, 2, " George's 75G Reef ");
// Display T1 Header Text
// Display the T1 Temp Value
char text[7];
ConvertNumToString(text, ReefAngel.Params.Temp[T1_PROBE], 10);
ReefAngel.LCD.Clear(255, 4, 21, 37, 37);
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_CORNFLOWERBLUE, 255, 4, 24, text, Num8x16);
// Display the T2 Header Text
// Display the T2 Temp Value
ConvertNumToString(text, ReefAngel.Params.Temp[T2_PROBE], 10);
ReefAngel.LCD.Clear(255, 52, 21, 75, 37);
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_CRIMSON, 255, 52, 24, text, Num8x16);
// Display pH Header Text
// Display pH Value
ConvertNumToString(text, ReefAngel.Params.PH, 100);
ReefAngel.LCD.Clear(255, 94, 21, 106, 37);
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_INDIGO, 255, 94, 24, text, Num8x16);
// Display Vortech MP40wES Mode Header Text
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawText(0,255,18,42,"EcoSmart Vortech");
// Display EcoSmart Mode Value
ReefAngel.LCD.Clear(255, 1, 49, 128, 64);
if (vtechmode == 0) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_LIMEGREEN,255,35,50,"Constant");
else if(vtechmode == 1) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_GOLD,255,42,50,"Lagoon");
else if (vtechmode == 2) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_GOLD,255,25,50,"Reef Crest");
else if (vtechmode == 3) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_CORNFLOWERBLUE,255,22,50,"Short Pulse");
else if (vtechmode == 4) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_PINK,255,25,50,"Long Pulse");
else if (vtechmode == 5) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_MAGENTA,255,8,50,"Nutrient Trnsp.");
else if (vtechmode == 6) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_MAGENTA,255,23,50,"Tidal Swell");
else if (vtechmode == 9) ReefAngel.LCD.DrawLargeText(COLOR_WHITE,0,45,50,"Night");
// Display PMW Expansion Channel Headers and % Values
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawText(COLOR_DARKGOLDENROD,DefaultBGColor,31,68,"LED Dimming");
for (int a=0;a<4;a++)
if (a>1) x=75;
if (a==2) y=78;
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawText(COLOR_DARKGOLDENROD,DefaultBGColor,x,y,"Ch :");
v = int(ReefAngel.PWM.GetChannelValue(a));
// v = int(ReefAngel.PWM.GetChannelValue(a)/2.55);
ConvertNumToString(text, v, 1);
strcat(text," ");
// Display Main Relay Box
byte TempRelay = ReefAngel.Relay.RelayData;
TempRelay &= ReefAngel.Relay.RelayMaskOff;
TempRelay |= ReefAngel.Relay.RelayMaskOn;
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawOutletBox(13, 97, TempRelay);
// Display Expansion Relay Box 1
TempRelay = ReefAngel.Relay.RelayDataE[0];
TempRelay &= ReefAngel.Relay.RelayMaskOffE[0];
TempRelay |= ReefAngel.Relay.RelayMaskOnE[0];
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawOutletBox(13, 109, TempRelay);
//Draw Date & Time
ReefAngel.LCD.DrawDate(6, 123);
void DrawCustomGraph() // Not Used
//------------------------------------------------------ End Custom Main ----------------------------------------------------------
//-------------------------------------------------------- Begin Setup ------------------------------------------------------------
void setup()
ReefAngel.Init(); //Initialize controller
ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = Port1Bit;
ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = Port1Bit | Port2Bit | Port6Bit | Port7Bit |Port8Bit;
ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPortsE[0] = Port1Bit | Port2Bit | Port3Bit | Port4Bit;
ReefAngel.LightsOnPortsE[0] = Port1Bit | Port2Bit | Port3Bit | Port4Bit;
// Ports that are always on
//--------------------------------------------------------- RF Module Setup -------------------------------------------------------
// This section commented out because it prevented RF Module from syncing with Vortech
/* ReefAngel.RF.SetMode(Slave_Start,0,0);
If you get a compile error similar to this:
'class ReefAngelClass' has no member named 'RF'
Please make sure that you enabled RF Expansion on your features file.
Open RAGen and make sure you have RF Expansion checked under the Features tab.
Or, you can manually edit the file.
The file is located at "Documents\Arduino\libraries\ReefAngel_Features.h" file and has to include this line in it:
//------------------------------------------------------ End RF Module Setup ------------------------------------------------------
//---------------------------------------------------------- End Setup ------------------------------------------------------------
//--------------------------------------------------------- Begin Loop ------------------------------------------------------------
void loop()
// Specific functions
ReefAngel.Refresh(); //WDT check
ReefAngel.StandardLights(Box1_Port1); //Left Blue LEDs
ReefAngel.StandardLights(Box1_Port2); //Right Blue LEDs
ReefAngel.MHLights(Box1_Port3); //Left White LEDs
ReefAngel.MHLights(Box1_Port4); //Right White LEDs
ReefAngel.MoonLights(Box1_Port5); //Left Moonlight
ReefAngel.MoonLights(Box1_Port6); //Right Moonlight
ReefAngel.MoonLights(Port4); //Fuge light on when main lights are out
//------------------------------------------------ Start PWM Expansion Code for Slope ----------------------------------------------
// Temporarily using Memory Locations from PWM Slope Actinic (for LEDPWM0 and LEDPWM1) and
// PWM Slope Daylight (for LEDPWM2 and LEDPWM3) for the start, end, durations.
// Will change the start%, end%, duration of each to new memory locations for each channel when Curt provides libraries update.
InternalMemory.read(852), // start %
InternalMemory.read(853), // end %
InternalMemory.read(854), // duration
InternalMemory.read(849), // start %
InternalMemory.read(850), // end %
InternalMemory.read(851), // duration
// The lines above are what calculates the slope.
// You can change the schedule by changing the parameter inside the parenthesis of the PWMSlope() function
// The are as follow:
// 1st parameter: hour to start slope
// 2nd parameter: minute to start slope
// 3rd parameter: hour to end slope
// 4th parameter: minute to end slope
// 5th parameter: % of the PWM signal to start slope
// 6th parameter: % of the PWM signal to end slope
// 7th parameter: duration of slope in minutes
// 8th parameter: always the same as the variable before the PWMSlope() call
// In the example above, we are starting the slope at 3:00pm with 15% and going up to 45% within 90 minutes, which would be 4:30pm.
// Then it would stay at 45% from 4:30 to 90 minutes prior to 9:30pm, which would be 8:00pm.
// Then from 8:00pm, it would start sloping down from 45% all the way back to 15% within 90 minutes, which would be 9:30pm.
//CheckCloud(); (May be used at a later date with cloud/storm effects)
//------------------------------------------------- End PWM Expansion Code for Slope ----------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ Start Time-of-Day Based Functions ----------------------------------------------
//-------------------------------------------------------- Moonlight Schedule -----------------------------------------------------
if ( NumMins(hour(),minute()) < 450 ) // Turn off Moonlights from Midnight to 7:30 MAM
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the mode numbers for the RF Expansion Module for reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//#define Constant 0
//#define Random1 1 // Lagoonal
//#define Random2 2 // Reef Crest
//#define ShortWave 3
//#define LongWave 4
//#define Smart_NTM 5 // Nutrient Transport Mode
//#define Smart_TSM 6 // Tidal Swell Mode
//#define Feeding_Start 7
//#define Feeding_Stop 8
//#define Night 9
//#define Slave_Start 97
//#define Slave_Stop 98
//#define None 99
//------------------------------ Start Feeding Mode Schedule (Start 1st Feeding at 9:55 AM and 2nd at 1:55 PM)---------------------
// if the hour is 9a or 1p, minute is 55 and seconds is 0
// start the feeding mode
if ( ((hour() == 9) || (hour() == 13)) &&
(minute() == 55) &&
(second() == 0) )
vtechmode = InternalMemory.RFMode_read();
//------------------------------------------------------ End of Feeding Mode Schedule ---------------------------------------------
//-------------------------------------------------------- Start RF Daytime Control -----------------------------------------------
if (hour() >=8 && hour() <= 22)
if (ReefAngel.DisplayedMenu==FEEDING_MODE) bFeeding=true;
if (ReefAngel.DisplayedMenu==DEFAULT_MENU && bFeeding )
ReefAngel.Timer[4].SetInterval(1800); // Timer for 30min
vtechmode = 5;
if (ReefAngel.DisplayedMenu==DEFAULT_MENU && ReefAngel.Timer[4].IsTriggered())
vtechmode = InternalMemory.RFMode_read();
//---------------------------------------------------------- End RF Daytime Control -----------------------------------------------
//-------------------------------------------------------- Start RF Nightmode Control ---------------------------------------------
if (hour()>=23 || hour()<7) // Defining "Nightmode" hours for VorTech = between 11 PM and 7 AM
vtechmode = 9;
ReefAngel.RF.SetMode(Feeding_Stop,0,0); //Temp fix for coming out of Night mode
vtechmode = InternalMemory.RFMode_read();
//---------------------------------------------------------- End RF Nightmode Control ---------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------------ End Time-of-Day Based Functions ------------------------------------------
//--------------------------------------------------------------- End Loop --------------------------------------------------------
// ToDo List Functions that still need to be added above:
// 1. Add Sunrise/Sunset/MoonPhase/Cloud Chance, etc. (PWM Slope data may be altered by these?)
// 2. *Option for later date* Relay box Ports 7 and 8 changed to "Off" normally, then add line in Loop to power them on if Overheat
// Shutoff is active (when I get fans to plug into those ports.)