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Couple Questions (temp. probe, moonlight)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:07 am
by mighty
So I currently have the Demo code running and it seems to be running fine for my very basic needs.

1. Can the Temp probe be submerged? Currently I have mine with about 4-5 inches under water.

2. Am I correct in thinking that every time I adjust my internal memory regarding what times the lights go on/off, temp settings, etc. I need to reload that, then generate and load from RAgen main relay screen as well?

3. For all you members with the MOONlights, the only thing I have above my tank is my light which sits with legs on top of the tank. Any ideas on how I might possibly mount my moonlights? It seems if i do it just at the back of the tank, only the very back of the tank and a very small area of the tank some moonlight running through it.

4. I would like to extend the cords on a moonlight, what type of cord am I looking to buy so I can cut and splice the extension together?

Thanks everyone!

Re: Couple Questions (temp. probe, moonlight)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:55 am
by binder
mighty wrote:1. Can the Temp probe be submerged? Currently I have mine with about 4-5 inches under water.
Yes, to the best of my knowledge they can. I have mine submerged and it's working fine for me.
2. Am I correct in thinking that every time I adjust my internal memory regarding what times the lights go on/off, temp settings, etc. I need to reload that, then generate and load from RAgen main relay screen as well?
If you have a wifi adapter, then you can change the internal memory values on the fly and not have to reload any code. If you do not, then yes, you will need to change your internal memory values in the INO file, then load that code onto your controller. Finally, you will need to load back your controller code. You do not need to regenerate your controller code with RAGen. You can simply reload the code file you uploaded.

Re: Couple Questions (temp. probe, moonlight)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:52 am
by rimai
Yes, the temp probes can be submerged.
The moolights can be extended with any wire. There's nothing special on those.

Re: Couple Questions (temp. probe, moonlight)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:08 pm
by mighty
Great thanks guys.

If anyone else has any thoughts on setting up moonlights or ideas, feel free to let me know!

Thanks again