Just ordered mine!!
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:10 am
Hey everyone,
My name is Cory Soehl. I just ordered my Reef Angel Controller. Can't wait to get it up and running and see what it can do. I speak English and not code... It is a complete foreign language to me but I am excited to learn. I CAN copy and paste! lol
My system is in my garage right now, the 125 on its side being cleaned and I trying to buff out some scratches. I am thinking a month or so and I will be up and running. I am cycling the rock and finishing my DIY RapidLed light as we speak. I am a big DIYer.
Here is what I have:
125 gallon 72" long dual overflow
INS100 Protein Skimmer(being upgraded to a Bubble Magus BM-220-cs)
55 gallon 3" long acryllic refugium/sump
JBJ Chiller
2 Eheim heaters(one for each overflow)
Eheim 1262 return pump
Eheim 1260 pump feeding my GFO reactor, BioPellet reactor, UV, and Carbon reactor(and maybe a SCWD)
2 VorTech MP40w(one on order, saving for the other...)
3 Tunze 6105 pump(saving for) for wave control
Marine Magic 3 pump dosing pump for Calcium and Magnesium
DIY RapidLed Light. I will have 3 of these over my tank.
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Cool Whites contorlled by PWM signal
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Royal Blues controlled by PWM signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 8 Reds controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 6 Greens controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell LPC-35-700 for a run of 6 Violets constant signal
-One run of 4 Moonlight led run by 350ma driver constant signal
-I am thinking of adding runs of UV, Turquoise, Cyan, Red/Orange, and Deep Red
My name is Cory Soehl. I just ordered my Reef Angel Controller. Can't wait to get it up and running and see what it can do. I speak English and not code... It is a complete foreign language to me but I am excited to learn. I CAN copy and paste! lol
My system is in my garage right now, the 125 on its side being cleaned and I trying to buff out some scratches. I am thinking a month or so and I will be up and running. I am cycling the rock and finishing my DIY RapidLed light as we speak. I am a big DIYer.
Here is what I have:
125 gallon 72" long dual overflow
INS100 Protein Skimmer(being upgraded to a Bubble Magus BM-220-cs)
55 gallon 3" long acryllic refugium/sump
JBJ Chiller
2 Eheim heaters(one for each overflow)
Eheim 1262 return pump
Eheim 1260 pump feeding my GFO reactor, BioPellet reactor, UV, and Carbon reactor(and maybe a SCWD)
2 VorTech MP40w(one on order, saving for the other...)
3 Tunze 6105 pump(saving for) for wave control
Marine Magic 3 pump dosing pump for Calcium and Magnesium
DIY RapidLed Light. I will have 3 of these over my tank.
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Cool Whites contorlled by PWM signal
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Royal Blues controlled by PWM signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 8 Reds controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 6 Greens controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell LPC-35-700 for a run of 6 Violets constant signal
-One run of 4 Moonlight led run by 350ma driver constant signal
-I am thinking of adding runs of UV, Turquoise, Cyan, Red/Orange, and Deep Red