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Reef Angel with new optiboot

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:27 pm
by rimai
With the release of the new bootloader, which is called optiboot, new users may face some difficulties trying to initially setup their computers to communicate with the controller.
The intent of this post is to help those users.
All orders shipped after 07/17/11 will have the new bootloader burned into it.
The first problem you will encounter is when installing the "Reef Angel Installer". The installation window will show that no controllers were found. This issue is being fixed and will be available soon. In the mean time, just disregard the message and continue on with the installation.
After the installation is complete, you may need to modify a setting that would have been dealt by the installation software but since it couldn't find the controller, this step was skipped. We will manually change the setting. This only affect Windows users. A fix for this issue will be released shortly.
  • Open "Control Panel"
  • Click "Hardware and Sound"
  • Click "Device Manager"
  • On the "Device Manager" window, expand "Ports (COM & LTP)"
  • Double Click "USB Serial Port (COMx)
  • Select the tab "Port Settings"
  • Click the button "Advanced"
  • Check mark "Set RTS On Close"
  • Close all windows
Then, let's open the "Arduino - Reef Angel Controller" application.
On the menu, go to "Tools->Board" and make sure that "Reef Angel Controller w/ optiboot" is selected.

That's all for now. I'm hoping to release an update for the installer that will take care of this problems soon.

Re: Reef Angel with new optiboot

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:32 pm
by rimai
With the help of Curt, I was able to get a fix for this issue.
The new installer was uploaded and should take care of this issues automatically.


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:33 am
by PaVeLbole
Thanks for the help in this question, I too consider, that the easier, the better …

Re: Reef Angel with new optiboot

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:47 am
by Xender
New installer still 2.2 "davemolton-Client-Suite-Installer-Beta_2.2-0-gacca4ff" ???

On mine I don't have optiboot yet and I figured out that I need to select "Reef Angel Controller" insted of "Reef Angel Controller w/ optiboot".