cant get to connect the the 2.2

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cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

hey guys im trying to get my reef angel to connect to my laptop but im having no luck at all.
can anyone help and talk me through the process.
here is my sketch, can some one please ad on a delay in relay 2 for 60 seconds to please.

// Autogenerated file by RAGen (v1.0.4.92), (08/20/2011 22:37)
// RA_082011_2237.pde
// This version designed for v0.8.5 Beta 12 or later

/* The following features are enabled for this PDE File:
#define DisplayImages
#define SetupExtras
#define WavemakerSetup
#define OverheatSetup
#define DateTimeSetup
#define VersionMenu
#define MetalHalideSetup
#define DirectTempSensor
#define DisplayLEDPWM
#define StandardLightSetup
#define SaveRelayState

#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Globals.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <ReefAngel_EEPROM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <ReefAngel_ATO.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Joystick.h>
#include <ReefAngel_LED.h>
#include <ReefAngel_TempSensor.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Relay.h>
#include <ReefAngel_PWM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Timer.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Memory.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>

void setup()
ReefAngel.Init(); //Initialize controller

ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = B00001000;
ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = B00001111;
ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPorts = B11111000;
ReefAngel.LightsOnPorts = B11110000;

// Ports that are always on

void loop()

// Specific functions

thanks guys im using ragen if that make a difference
let me no if you need any more info
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Bryan »

I don't see Wifi defined in the "/* The following features are enabled for this PDE File:
". Perhaps post the code in the ReefAngel_Features.h file.

The following line needs to be in the ReefAngel_Features.h file

#define wifi
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

I have tried that and still had no luck. Or did you mean in the liberys or on the sketch? I've added it under all the others that say #define ...
I have looked at the com port and all that is fine. But it just keeps saying retrying to connect but never dose.
Any other ideas.
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by binder »

For the delayed on for port 2 use this inside the loop() with the rest of the devices:

Code: Select all

ReefAngel.DelayedOn(Port2, 1);

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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

ok this is what the sketch reads now?
// Autogenerated file by RAGen (v1.0.4.92), (08/21/2011 21:49)
// RA_082111_2149.pde
// This version designed for v0.8.5 Beta 12 or later

/* The following features are enabled for this PDE File:
#define DisplayImages
#define SetupExtras
#define WavemakerSetup
#define OverheatSetup
#define DateTimeSetup
#define MetalHalideSetup
#define wifi
#define StandardLightSetup
#define SaveRelayState

#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Globals.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <ReefAngel_EEPROM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <ReefAngel_ATO.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Joystick.h>
#include <ReefAngel_LED.h>
#include <ReefAngel_TempSensor.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Relay.h>
#include <ReefAngel_PWM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Timer.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Memory.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>

// Labels for the web banner
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
prog_char id_label[] PROGMEM = "chris";
prog_char probe1_label[] PROGMEM = "Water";
prog_char probe2_label[] PROGMEM = "Room";
prog_char probe3_label[] PROGMEM = "sump";
prog_char relay1_label[] PROGMEM = "skimmer";
prog_char relay2_label[] PROGMEM = "return%20pump";
prog_char relay3_label[] PROGMEM = "heater";
prog_char relay4_label[] PROGMEM = "wavemaker";
prog_char relay5_label[] PROGMEM = "led%20blues%20l/h";
prog_char relay6_label[] PROGMEM = "led%20whites%20l/h";
prog_char relay7_label[] PROGMEM = "led%20blues%20r/h";
prog_char relay8_label[] PROGMEM = "led%20whites%20r/h";
PROGMEM const char *webbanner_items[] = {
id_label, probe1_label, probe2_label, probe3_label, relay1_label, relay2_label,
relay3_label, relay4_label, relay5_label, relay6_label, relay7_label, relay8_label};

void setup()
ReefAngel.Init(); //Initialize controller

// Initialize and start the web banner timer
ReefAngel.LoadWebBanner(pgm_read_word(&(webbanner_items[0])), SIZE(webbanner_items));
ReefAngel.Timer[4].SetInterval(60); // set interval to 60 seconds

ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = B00001000;
ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = B00001111;
ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPorts = B11111000;
ReefAngel.LightsOnPorts = B11110000;

// Ports that are always on

void loop()

// Specific functions
// Autogenerated file by RAGen (v1.0.4.92), (08/20/2011 22:37)
// RA_082011_2237.pde
// This version designed for v0.8.5 Beta 12 or later

/* The following features are enabled for this PDE File:
#define DisplayImages
#define SetupExtras
#define WavemakerSetup
#define OverheatSetup
#define DateTimeSetup
#define VersionMenu
#define MetalHalideSetup
#define DirectTempSensor
#define DisplayLEDPWM
#define wifi
#define StandardLightSetup
#define SaveRelayState

#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Globals.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <ReefAngel_EEPROM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <ReefAngel_ATO.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Joystick.h>
#include <ReefAngel_LED.h>
#include <ReefAngel_TempSensor.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Relay.h>
#include <ReefAngel_PWM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Timer.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Memory.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>

void setup()
ReefAngel.Init(); //Initialize controller
ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = B00001000;
ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = B00001111;
ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPorts = B11111000;
ReefAngel.LightsOnPorts = B11110000;

// Ports that are always on

void loop()

// Specific functions
ReefAngel.DelayedOn(Port2, 1);

// Web Banner stuff
but now says has no member named load web banner??
and if i delete that part of the sketch it wont finish the update

and still cant connect.
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by binder »

You have a whole lot going on in the sketch....too much and too many conflicting things too.

1. from setup(), remove the ReefAngel.Relay.On(Port2). That's not needed since you are using the DelayedOn function inside loop().

2. you now apparently have combined 2 sketches into one based on your post. just simplify things and only have 1.

3. You do not need to have Web Banner enabled to get the client suite to work. In fact, enabling web banner will definitely not make the Client Suite work. So all the stuff about the web banner needs to be removed.

this is a start for you

Code: Select all

// Autogenerated file by RAGen (v1.0.4.92), (08/20/2011 22:37)
// RA_082011_2237.pde
// This version designed for v0.8.5 Beta 12 or later

/* The following features are enabled for this PDE File: 
#define DisplayImages
#define SetupExtras
#define WavemakerSetup
#define OverheatSetup
#define DateTimeSetup
#define VersionMenu
#define MetalHalideSetup
#define DirectTempSensor
#define DisplayLEDPWM
#define wifi
#define StandardLightSetup
#define SaveRelayState

#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Globals.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <ReefAngel_EEPROM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <ReefAngel_ATO.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Joystick.h>
#include <ReefAngel_LED.h>
#include <ReefAngel_TempSensor.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Relay.h>
#include <ReefAngel_PWM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Timer.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Memory.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>

void setup()
ReefAngel.Init(); //Initialize controller
ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = B00001000;
ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = B00001111;
ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPorts = B11111000;
ReefAngel.LightsOnPorts = B11110000;

// Ports that are always on

void loop()

// Specific functions
ReefAngel.DelayedOn(Port2, 1);

4. I'd also recommend and suggest you remove these features from your features file:

Code: Select all

#define OverheatSetup
#define SetupExtras
You won't need them. Once client suite is up and running, there's even more stuff that you can remove from your controller.

5. Lastly, I'd recommend reading this topic in its entirety to make sure you have things setup properly. a lot of times the problem is really simple and can be fixed by re-reading the topics on installing it. ... =Community

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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

ok just give that a go and its not saying upload complete like normal just saying on the uploading part. the controller is resetting but thats it?
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

ok got it to upload and the delayed start is working sweet.

but still no go with the 2.2 ie gone though it all again but its not doing anything bar saying opened now listening...
and the def lib is still x.x.x.x.x

what do i do from there?

really sorry bout all this
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by rimai »

I think your ReefAngel_Features.h file is not being updated.
Make sure you have "Documents\Arduino\libraries" under Libraries folder on RAGen.
To get there, go to menu Edit->Settings
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

Can't see what you mean. Do you bring up ragen? Or through the folders on the "my documents" ?
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by rimai »

Open RAGen, go to menu Edit->Settings
Under Libraries folder, make sure you have "Documents\Arduino\libraries"
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by binder »

Can you navigate to the controller web page? This will tell us if the controller is configured properly.

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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

ok just changed the libraries to what rimai said but still no go what should the sketch folder be? maybe that is wrong to?

Can't seem to get it. If I change the libraries over it won't upload for some reason.
Can it really be so hard. Is someone willing to remote log in to my pc and do it for me? I'm in Australia so time difference could be a prob but I'm will to get up in the early hours to sort this. Or even phone someone to talk me though it?
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by binder »

Chris wrote:ok just changed the libraries to what rimai said but still no go what should the sketch folder be? maybe that is wrong to?

Can't seem to get it. If I change the libraries over it won't upload for some reason.
Can it really be so hard. Is someone willing to remote log in to my pc and do it for me? I'm in Australia so time difference could be a prob but I'm will to get up in the early hours to sort this. Or even phone someone to talk me though it?
Ok. Here's what we are going to do....we're gonna start with the basics and not get ahead of ourselves.

1. Open up Arduino. We will check the settings inside there. Goto the File menu and choose Preferences. The default sketch folder should be <MY DOCUMENTS>\Arduino.
arduino prefs
arduino prefs
arduino-prefs.png (15.66 KiB) Viewed 7470 times
2. Open up RAGen. We will check the settings inside here. Goto the Edit menu and choose Preferences. The folders should be setup as follows:
Sketch Folder: <MY DOCUMENTS>\Arduino
Libraries Folder: <MY DOCUMENTS>\Arduino\libraries
ragen prefs
ragen prefs
ragen-prefs.png (17.55 KiB) Viewed 7470 times
Check those settings and make sure they match.

Now, you said your controller is up and running. Let's see if everything it working the way it's supposed to. As a start, just uninstall Client Suite to make sure that it's not trying to connect and interfere with anything. (We can always reinstall it later once we know you can navigate to your controller through the wifi interface.)

Open up a web browser. Inside the location / url bar, type in your controller's IP address. The url/location bar should read:

Code: Select all
Instead of typing in tht, you would put in your IP address of the controller. It should give you a page like this:
controller web page
controller web page
controller-webpage.png (31.05 KiB) Viewed 7470 times
If it does not, wifi is not enabled properly for you. Before I go on, I want you to check these things and then let me know what you come up with.

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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

Ok I will check these when I'm home from work tonight. Just one more silly question. How do you bring up the controllers ip address?
Thanks curt your a star. I'm new to all this so sorry to be a pain.
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by binder »

Chris wrote:Ok I will check these when I'm home from work tonight. Just one more silly question. How do you bring up the controllers ip address?
Thanks curt your a star. I'm new to all this so sorry to be a pain.
You are welcome. It happens to all of us. We get a new toy and we want to know all about it and we dive in and get a little carried away. We often times overlook some of the smallest details and end up getting totally lost & confused. No worries.

As for the IP address of your controller, I cannot tell you what it would be exactly. I think that is your main problem since you don't know what it is, you won't be able to communicate with it.

The way you would determine it would be to open up your router's web page in a web browser. Usually it will be something like "". The router serves up IP addresses to all clients on the network via DHCP. This means that a random IP address can be assigned to any device that connects to your router. It would be recommended to either A) assign a static DHCP lease to your controller (where the router always sends the controller the same IP address) or B) assign a static IP address to your wifi module. Both options can be a little confusing if you do not know what's to do. Depending on your router, option A may not be a viable option and you may have to do option B.

Did you follow the programming steps for the wifi module?
Do you know if your wifi module can connect to your router properly (ie, obtain an IP address)?
What router do you have (brand & model)? ex. Linksys WRT54g, Belkin, Netgear, etc

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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

hey curt,
im not using the wifi module as i couldent figure that out either, haha, so im using usb? will that make a differace?
ive unistalled everything tonight and re installed it all again but still had no luck, ive checked that everything is on com19 and all seems good.
my client ip add is
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by binder »

Chris wrote:hey curt,
im not using the wifi module as i couldent figure that out either, haha, so im using usb? will that make a differace?
ive unistalled everything tonight and re installed it all again but still had no luck, ive checked that everything is on com19 and all seems good.
my client ip add is
If you are not using the wifi module, then that is ok. You still have to have WIFI enabled (#define wifi) inside your ReefAngel_Features.h file. Here's what we are going to do. I want you to open up Arduino with the usb cable plugged into the controller (just like you are going to update the software). Then, on the toolbar, click the farthest right button (with your mouse over it, it says Serial Monitor). That opens up a window with 2 edit/text boxes. The top box has the "Send" button to the right of it.
I want you to type this in the box:

Code: Select all

"GET /r99 "
make sure you have the space after the /r99 (don't include the quotes). Then press Enter.
That should yield some results and you will have data that is displayed in the bottom window. This tells us that you have the controller configured properly. I want to make sure this is the case first before we try to get anything else going.

The client IP isn't necessary if you are not using the wifi.

If that works properly, then we can proceed on with the client suite. Make sure that you have chosen the proper COM port inside the Client Suite. It should be COM19 (based on what you said) and the baudrate should be 57600.

I would suggest reading this thread. It covers Client Suite 2.1 but has some good information in it. Also watch the videos on the page.

Also, make sure you follow the instructions on this page too: ... =Community

I know that last link may be a little outdated on the exact screenshots but it's definitely some good information.

If you have not read them, then I'd suggest reading them. If you have read them, looking over the setup again is advisable.

When you went through the install of Client Suite, make sure you did this:
1. Had controller connected before you started the installation
2. Chose USB for connection
3. Chose correct COM port for controller

I just did this with a fresh install following exactly what I stated just above and it worked fine and found everything.

Check this and see what happens.

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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

Thanks buddy. I will try again tonight. Youve been a great help. I'll let you no the outcome.
Would you be willing to remote log in if I still get stuck?
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by binder »

Chris wrote:Thanks buddy. I will try again tonight. Youve been a great help. I'll let you no the outcome.
Would you be willing to remote log in if I still get stuck?
I supposed I might be able to do that for you to test everything out.

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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

That will be great. I'll get the ra plugged into the laptop and I'll go from there. Just have to sus out the time diffance. The time here now is 10:23am so may be after I try this tonight and if it don't work I'll let you no and we can arrange a time at the weekend.
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by dmolton »

In lieu of current events.

I hereby award,Curt Binder the prestigious award of Client Suite Support Specialist for actions taken above and beyond the call of duty and extreme valor in the face of adversity.


Congratulations, warrior. You deserve it!

Keep fighting the good fight.
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Re: cant get to connect the the 2.2

Post by Chris »

got it working
thanks to binder and roberto for all there hard work.
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