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Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:44 pm
by Rayzback
A friend of mine recently bought a couple of Reef Angel units for his tanks with all the additional goodies. Yesterday, he asked that I help him get setup. I was able to take one home to mess with. Just want to say, I'm really impressed!
The geek in me went crazy. I was up till 3am reading the forums and skipping around various Arduino sites. The possibilities of the RA seem endless, only limited by your nerd know how. I like the Visual Studio plug in. Even if you're not a geek, the wizard gets you up and running nicely and there appears to be a wealth of info in the forums.
Wish I hadn't spent so much on corals over the holiday now. I do see a Reef Angel in my future, but will have to be happy with just browsing the forums until then.
Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:00 pm
by Rayzback
Ohhh 90g mixed reef, 2x Radion, 2x Mp40ESW, etc.etc.
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Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:38 pm
by lnevo
Welcome! I recommend to everyone looking at controllers to at least check out the RA. With everything it comes with and everything it does and *can* do. Especially after seeing someone else's Apex code posted, I much prefer C++ code! The possibilities really are endless. Someone else on another forum called all Aquarium Controllers "glorified timers" and I definitely think RA is not that at all!!
Anyway, let us know if you need any assistance setting up your friends devices. One recommendation I have is if your friend has the wifi module, you setup using the memory settings, this way he can change anything later from the portal without having to reprogram.
Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:39 pm
by lnevo
Rayzback wrote:Ohhh 90g mixed reef, 2x Radion, 2x Mp40ESW, etc.etc.
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You will have fun with the RF module!! I wish Radions met my needs better otherwise I'd be all over 'em!
Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:58 pm
by Rayzback
Cool, thanks for the tip..right now we just have the dhcp going.
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Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:02 pm
by Rayzback
Looking forward to messing with the rf module. Heck, everything about the RA sounds like fun.
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Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:07 pm
by Rayzback
One question, just dreaming and thinking way ahead.. Would a person be able to add their own sensor for the RA. Say they wanted to add a flow device to calculate GPH... Or a servo for a skimmer cup wipe. Dreamin and just asking.
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Re: Cart before Horse
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:09 pm
by binder
Rayzback wrote:One question, just dreaming and thinking way ahead.. Would a person be able to add their own sensor for the RA. Say they wanted to add a flow device to calculate GPH... Or a servo for a skimmer cup wipe. Dreamin and just asking.
Yeah, it could be possible to do that. The specs for the controller and all the modules are available. In fact, it IS encouraged to improve things and work with it. Roberto is awesome about helping out and providing information.
Re: Cart before Horse
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:03 am
by jsclownfish
I'd say that's half the fun of the RA. I've added light sensors, water (leak) sensors, power sensors, and flow meters in the last year or so and everything I needed I learned from the experts here.
Re: Cart before Horse
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:46 am
by DrewPalmer04
jsclownfish wrote:I'd say that's half the fun of the RA. ...everything I needed I learned from the experts here.