ReefAngel Generator Installer v1.0.4

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ReefAngel Generator Installer v1.0.4

Post by binder »

Since there have been some "issues" with installing the development libraries and ReefAngel Generator, I've spent the weekend working on an installer to help simplify things.

The installer is bundled with the latest dev libraries.
Here's the highlights of what it does:
  • Installs RAGen
  • It forces RAGen to startup in Development mode (sorry it overrides your existing application mode setting).
  • If you install the Dev libraries, it makes a backup of your current libraries folder (My Documents\Arduino\libraries) and places them in libraries-backup.
  • It creates start menu and desktop shortcuts for RAGen
  • Has the ability to be uninstalled
  • Does not require the Visual C++ run time program to be installed (instead the files needed are installed with RAGen)
  • On uninstall, it restores the backup libraries but does NOT delete the libraries folder
I have tested it on Windows XP Home and Pro along with Vista 32bit. It appears to work well with them all. If you encounter any problems, please let me know.

The installer is located on my github page under RAGen Downloads ... taller.exe

Updated URL's for downloading
Last edited by binder on Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ReefAngel Generator Installer v1.0.4

Post by alexwbush »

Curt, how does the expansion module work with the RA Gen? I see the box I can check to enable it, but I don't see how I can configured it. I know Dave is working on allowing the expansion modules, but I didn't know if I could start programming the other 8 that I have. I know they might not be tracked with the client yet, or maybe with the webbanner (Roberto?), but I already managed to fill up all of my outlets and I need to add the 8 more outlets that I bought for further control.

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Re: ReefAngel Generator Installer v1.0.4

Post by binder »

Currently with RAGen you can enable the additional relays but you have to manually code them into your PDE file. That is unfortunately one of the limitations of RAGen. This will be corrected in future versions of RAGen.

If you want to code any other ports on your relay box to work, all you have to do is insert the appropriate function
  • ReefAngel.StandardLights(byte LightsRelay, byte OnHour, byte OnMinute, byte OffHour, byte OffMinute);
    ReefAngel.MHLights(byte LightsRelay, byte OnHour, byte OnMinute, byte OffHour, byte OffMinute, byte MHDelay);
    ReefAngel.StandardHeater(byte HeaterRelay, int LowTemp, int HighTemp);
    ReefAngel.StandardFan(byte FanRelay, int LowTemp, int HighTemp);
    ReefAngel.StandardATO(byte ATORelay, int ATOTimeout);
    ReefAngel.SingleATO(bool bLow, byte ATORelay, byte byteTimeout, byte byteHrInterval);
    ReefAngel.DosingPump(byte DPRelay, byte DPTimer, byte OnHour, byte OnMinute, byte RunTime);
    ReefAngel.DosingPumpRepeat(byte DPRelay, byte DPTimer, int RepeatMinute, byte RunTime);
    ReefAngel.Wavemaker(byte WMRelay, byte WMTimer);

    // Or simplified versions that use the InternalMemory values for the appropriate functions
    ReefAngel.StandardLights(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.MHLights(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.StandardHeater(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.StandardFan(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.StandardATO(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.SingleATOLow(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.SingleATOHigh(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.DosingPump1(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.DosingPump2(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.DosingPumpRepeat1(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.DosingPumpRepeat2(byte Relay);
    ReefAngel.Wavemaker1(byte WMRelay);
    ReefAngel.Wavemaker2(byte WMRelay);
And for the Relays/Port you will use the following convention: BoxX_PortY
So for port 1 on expansion box 1 (first expansion box), it would be Box1_Port1, Box1_Port2, Box1_Port3,....,Box1_Port8

If you wanted to use the a port as a Timed port (on and off at certain times), you could do this:

Code: Select all

void loop()
  ReefAngel.StandardLights(Box1_Port2, 8, 30, 16, 00);  // on at 8:30a, off at 4:00p
Then the web banner does (or at least should to the best of my knowledge), have the ability to track the additional ports but they do not get displayed with any current/existing web banner template.
I also believe that the Client should be able to handle the additional ports, but I'm not 100% sure on that. Dave would have to comment more on it.

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Re: ReefAngel Generator Installer v1.0.4

Post by alexwbush »

Thanks Curt, I'll give it a shot. Also posting some "how do I code" stuff. Don't want to post here, might take it too far off topic.
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