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analog dimming of OSRAM ballast with 1-10V interface

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:48 am
by wtitb

hope you don't mind if I ask before testing, but I want to avoid to damage my RA or other hardware ;)
I use OSRAM ballasts (QTi 1x35/49/80/220-240 DIM) that have a 1-10V interface for dimming. But if I get this right this is realized as a current sink (hope this is the right term in english ;) ). Here the ballast produces the voltage itself and the current is controlled with a resistor. I currently do manual dimming with a 100kOhm poti. 0 Ohm gives 1% and 100kOhm 100% brightness.
When I look at the RA analog dimming, this is also named "1-10V", but here the RA produces the voltage. So I suppose this is not the same interface and connecting the pins could damage something. Am I right and if so, can I use it anyway with some modifications between?


Re: analog dimming of OSRAM ballast with 1-10V interface

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:41 pm
by rimai
According to the datasheet, the dimming is 1-10V.
I think you can do it if you have a RA with analog dimming.

Re: analog dimming of OSRAM ballast with 1-10V interface

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:51 am
by wtitb
Hi Roberto,

thanks, so I will give it a try.
rimai wrote: I think you can do it if you have a RA with analog dimming.
yes, I have. BTW - I had a look into the relay box and have seen those jumpers labeld "PWM/analog". Can I simply switch the type of the relay box with these jumpers?


Re: analog dimming of OSRAM ballast with 1-10V interface

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:12 am
by rimai
Just keep in mind that the labels are actually printed wrong.
It should have read Analog/PWM instead of PWM/Analog.

Re: analog dimming of OSRAM ballast with 1-10V interface

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:55 am
by wtitb
FYI - dimming works fine with the OSRAM ballast :) It's also possible to control two ballasts with one dimming port (I currently have 3 ballasts, but only two dimming ports).
