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Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:58 am
by Leafies
I am working through connecting my new RA+ step by step here and one thing that has me puzzled is what ports I connect my Jebao controller cables to. The two ports on the relay box? or the two ports on the RA+? I've tried both and I have the code correct (I think) and they don't seem to be doing anything for me.

I have two Jebao wp-40's and a RA+ with bluetooth.

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:02 am
by rimai
The ones on the head unit are ATO ports. Don't use those.
You need to use the dimming ports in the relay box.

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:57 pm
by Leafies
I have the WP-40 pumps connected to the correct ports on the relay. I have rebooted the entire system and plugged the skimmer into the relay as a tester. The skimmer works perfectly with the relay box even with the programmed delay. I can hear the relay switching ports 5 & 6 on and off for the pumps and the display shows them cycling on and off however the pumps will not turn on and I am failing to understand what I am missing. Thanks

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:32 pm
by rimai
You don't need to use the wavemaker function. That is for non-controllable koralias. They simply turn on/off the relays.
Make sure that you checkmark DC Pump when you are generating the code in the wizard.

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:37 pm
by Leafies
To be honest I purchased these pumps for the wavemaker function... but I guess my question is if I select DC pump as I have in the wizard and I set the port to Wavemaker will the codes conflict with each other?

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:59 pm
by lnevo
The jaebo pumps with the cable dont need the wavemaker. There are plenty of wave forms that you can use. The long pulse is like the wavemaker function.

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:15 pm
by ReEfnWrX
I have never been able to get a wave form from Long pulse... Only short pulse... and it's a hell of a wave. in my 90 gallon at 70% power, 400ms intervals with the pump 10" below water line I Get a 2" wave.

Did you mean to say Short Pulse? Or is there something I am not figuring out to get waves from long pulse, because honestly, I'd rather avoid such rapid on/off's

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:45 pm
by Leafies
I believe that the pumps are connected properly at this point. While uploading the code via bluetooth, both pumps come on 100% power and once the code is uploaded and the RA+ is fully rebooted they both shut off. I have included my code below as I'm not sure what else to do here.

Code: Select all

#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <Globals.h>
#include <RA_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <InternalEEPROM.h>
#include <RA_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <RA_ATO.h>
#include <RA_Joystick.h>
#include <LED.h>
#include <RA_TempSensor.h>
#include <Relay.h>
#include <RA_PWM.h>
#include <Timer.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <InternalEEPROM.h>
#include <RA_Colors.h>
#include <RA_CustomColors.h>
#include <Salinity.h>
#include <RF.h>
#include <IO.h>
#include <ORP.h>
#include <AI.h>
#include <PH.h>
#include <WaterLevel.h>
#include <Humidity.h>
#include <DCPump.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>

////// Place global variable code below here

////// Place global variable code above here

void setup()
    // This must be the first line
    ReefAngel.Init();  //Initialize controller
    ReefAngel.AddStandardMenu();  // Add Standard Menu

    ReefAngel.Use2014Screen();  // Let's use 2014 Screen 
    ReefAngel.AddPHExpansion();  // pH Expansion Module
    // Ports toggled in Feeding Mode
    ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = Port3Bit | Port5Bit | Port6Bit;
    // Ports toggled in Water Change Mode
    ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = Port1Bit | Port3Bit | Port5Bit | Port6Bit;
    // Ports toggled when Lights On / Off menu entry selected
    ReefAngel.LightsOnPorts = Port4Bit;
    // Ports turned off when Overheat temperature exceeded
    ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPorts = Port2Bit | Port4Bit;
    // Use T1 probe as temperature and overheat functions
    ReefAngel.TempProbe = T1_PROBE;
    ReefAngel.OverheatProbe = T1_PROBE;
    // Set the Overheat temperature setting
    InternalMemory.OverheatTemp_write( 800 );

    // Feeeding and Water Change mode speed

    // Ports that are always on
    ReefAngel.Relay.On( Port1 );
    ReefAngel.Relay.On( Port5 );
    ReefAngel.Relay.On( Port6 );

    ////// Place additional initialization code below here

    ////// Place additional initialization code above here

void loop()
    ReefAngel.StandardHeater( Port2,745,760 );
    ReefAngel.Relay.DelayedOn( Port3,5 );
    ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port4,20,0,6,0 );
    ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port7,8,0,21,0 );
    ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port8,9,0,20,0 );
    ReefAngel.DCPump.UseMemory = false;
    ReefAngel.DCPump.SetMode( ShortPulse,10,1000 );
    ReefAngel.DCPump.DaylightChannel = None;
    ReefAngel.DCPump.ActinicChannel = None;
    ////// Place your custom code below here

    ////// Place your custom code above here

    // This should always be the last line

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:58 pm
by rimai
Which channel are they connected to?

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:15 pm
by Leafies
Success!! The problem was I had the sync/antisync settings wrong... after hours and hours of searching forums I found out that if you have two jebao's they have to be offsetting.

Code: Select all

void loop()
    ReefAngel.StandardHeater( Port2,745,760 );
    ReefAngel.Relay.DelayedOn( Port3,5 );
    ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port4,20,0,6,0 );
    ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port7,8,0,21,0 );
    ReefAngel.StandardLights( Port8,9,0,20,0 );
    ReefAngel.DCPump.UseMemory = false;
    ReefAngel.DCPump.SetMode( LongPulse,40,10 );
    ReefAngel.DCPump.DaylightChannel = Sync;
    ReefAngel.DCPump.ActinicChannel = AntiSync;
    ////// Place your custom code below here

Re: Jebao Connection to RA+

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:56 pm
by wolffman64
What does the offsetting do? (sorry, real newbi)

Edit: No worries - found out in the thread "wave patterns" :P