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Two Controllers on the same WIFI network

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:02 pm
by bfeik
I have two tanks, each has a Reef Angel Controller. I have one controller online using the WIFI attachment and Id like to do the same with the second.

Can this be done using the same WIFI network at my home? I believe both will have the same IP address for portal, iphone app, etc? I use a time capsule and have forwarded port 2000 for my current controller, would I use a different port for the second? Am I able to forward a second port?

Sorry for all the questions, thanks in advance for any advice!!

Re: Two Controllers on the same WIFI network

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:08 pm
by rimai
Yes, you can have 2 different ports forwarded to individual wifi attachments.

Re: Two Controllers on the same WIFI network

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:22 am
by bfeik
rimai wrote:Yes, you can have 2 different ports forwarded to individual wifi attachments.
OK. Ill configure the other wifi attachment to use a different port, will any available port work or is there a recommended one? Do I need to start a different user name for portal notifications?