Dosing Pump Offset
Dosing Pump Offset
Where can I change the dosing pump offset from Dosing Pump 1 (0 minutes offset) and Dosing Pump 2 (5 minutes offset), I want the offset now at x:00 and x:05 time to be x:30 and x:35 and keep it in memory, not hard code it so I can use the portal.
Re: Dosing Pump Offset
Code: Select all
void ReefAngelClass::DosingPumpRepeat1(byte Relay)
// 0 minute offset
DosingPumpRepeat(Relay, 0,
void ReefAngelClass::DosingPumpRepeat2(byte Relay)
// 5 minute offset
DosingPumpRepeat(Relay, 5,
Re: Dosing Pump Offset
Make your own function inside your INO. Copy this one as a template and rename it. Take out the ReefAngelClass:: part. Like so
void myDosingPumpRepeat(byte Relay) {
//do what you want
void myDosingPumpRepeat(byte Relay) {
//do what you want
Re: Dosing Pump Offset
If you are using internal memory settings, they are hard coded to 0 and 5.
But, if you use your own function, you can have it 30 and 35.
Use like this:
But, if you use your own function, you can have it 30 and 35.
Use like this:
Code: Select all
// For Pump 1
// 30 minute offset
ReefAngel.DosingPumpRepeat(Port1, 30,
// For Pump 2
// 35 minute offset
ReefAngel.DosingPumpRepeat(Port2, 35,