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Relays clicking and a bus lock observation

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:30 pm
by cosmith71
I connected a dimming expansion module up with a 6' mini USB cable I had laying around. I immediately started having bus locks and all the relays clicking on and off. In troubleshooting, I connected a short mini USB (might even be a RA one, not sure) to a USB extension cable and plugged it in to the expansion hub. Worked fine. I figured the first cable must be bad, so I ordered a Monoprice 10' cable from Amazon. The new cable does the same thing. Back to the rigged mini USB with USB extension cable.

Thoughts on why this is happening? I wonder if this could explain some of the bus lock problems others are having, where a new cable doesn't seem to change anything?


Re: Relays clicking and a bus lock observation

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:34 pm
by Kakorb
Mine does this with the cable that I got with it and my date is 34 four years off. Relays saying off are really on.