Client Suite 2.2

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by jason »

I have an issue as well...

Windows 7, 64 , Pro edition.....
Took me 30mn to make the Arduino soft working with the RA, because I have an RA+ ! (maybe update the tuto about loading it's first sketch )
So I guess the App suite does not support the RA+.
Using COM5.....
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Spotted »

I am haviong trouble getting this running. Like a lot of the posts in the beginning of this thread, I get no repsonse when using the Serial reader app. It opens the port and is listening, but no response when click send.
I have checked the Features.h file and there is no #Define wifi line, so I added it. When I compile and upload, I checked the file again and it is removed. The top line says "// AutoGenerated file by Reef Angel Wizard"
I ran through it with the wizard and same deal, even though I add the wifi feature.
I tried again with RaGen and before compile/upload the #define wifi is there and top line reads "// AutoGenerated file by RaGen"
After compile/upload it is again gone with the top line reading "// AutoGenerated file by Reef Angel Wizard" again.
I need some help..
I've been working on this for a few days now and I didn't want to bother with asking for help if I could find it in the forum, but...
Thanks Guys!!
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

It's the auto feature selection overriding it.
Add this to your setup section of your code:

Code: Select all

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Spotted »

Awesome!! Works great now. Is there anyway to disable the auto feature selection?
Thanks so muh for the quick reply!!
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

No, but I think it is for the best.
Working with the feature file through RAGen and even worse, manually editing has been a nightmare.
It can be a challenge for new users to understand the concept.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by binder »

rimai wrote:No, but I think it is for the best.
Working with the feature file through RAGen and even worse, manually editing has been a nightmare.
It can be a challenge for new users to understand the concept.
Yes, it has caused lots of confusion despite it's benefits for keeping the code size down.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by stephy »

Win 7
net framework installed
#define wifi in ReefAngel_Features.h ok
wifi module updated and running

Client doesn't work: install ok, run ok, but after almost 1 minute Listener: Retrying to connect in..... to infinity.

Any suggestion?

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by stephy »

stephy wrote:RA+
Win 7
net framework installed
#define wifi in ReefAngel_Features.h ok
wifi module updated and running

Client doesn't work: install ok, run ok, but after almost 1 minute Listener: Retrying to connect in..... to infinity.

Any suggestion?
Still having this problem......and hoping in any help....

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by DrewPalmer04 »

Simple, but do you have the Wifi box checked under the COM port area of the settings? When you click save does it show (in green) that it has saved the settings (no errors?)
Out for now...but not over.

VISIT: Ethernet Module/Wifi Alternative
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by stephy »


Now I added this, and seems to work.....

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by stephy »

Same problem again: I restart the pc with the client, restart the client and....this is the error log:

*****14/07/2012 08:58:24*****
Impossibile connettersi a net.tcp://localhost:8733/Design_Time_Addresses/ReefAngelWCFListener/ReefAngelListener/. Il tentativo di connessione è durato per un periodo di tempo di 00:00:02.0221157. Codice di errore TCP 10061: Impossibile stabilire la connessione. Rifiuto persistente del computer di destinazione

Server stack trace:
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.SocketConnectionInitiator.Connect(Uri uri, TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.BufferedConnectionInitiator.Connect(Uri uri, TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ConnectionPoolHelper.EstablishConnection(TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ClientFramingDuplexSessionChannel.OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.CallOpenOnce.System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ICallOnce.Call(ServiceChannel channel, TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.CallOnceManager.CallOnce(TimeSpan timeout, CallOnceManager cascade)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.EnsureOpened(TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
in System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
in System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
in ReefAngelClient.ReefAngelService.IReefAngelListener.Subscribe()
in ReefAngelClient.Form1.bwConnect_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

*****14/07/2012 08:58:37*****
'265' non è un valore valido per 'Value'. 'Value' deve essere compreso tra 'Minimum' e 'Maximum'.
Nome parametro: Value
in System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown.set_Value(Decimal value)
in ReefAngelClient.Settings.LoadTempValues()
in ReefAngelClient.Settings.Settings_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by rimai »

One of the values in the internal memory is causing that.
I don't know which one, but I know that it is greater than what the Client is expecting.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by ishtak »

Has anyone had any luck installing this on Windows 8 yet? I'm having problems starting he services up, which rolls the installation back. Tried running it in compat mode, run as admin etc .. no luck :(
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by dmolton »

Yeah, Windows 8 is an issue.. It's been part of the hold up for the next released version. I'm also having issues with getting the services to work on that platform. I know what the problem is - just don't have an acceptable easy to deploy solution for it yet. The account that the services run under doesn't have enough permissions to open the local ports for WCF communication. I'm trying to get the installer to have the services run under a different built in account but it's still giving me a hard time. :x I haven't tried it but maybe lowering UAC will let you install?
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by ishtak »

That was the first thing I tried. I switch the UAC off completely on first boot :) I'll keep playing and see if I can find anything that might help.

edit: ummmmm just for the hell of it I tried the install again .... and it worked??? :)
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Seedlessone »

I am getting an error every time I try to access memory settings. Unable to retrieve controller memory settings. Any ideas?
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by binder »

Seedlessone wrote:I am getting an error every time I try to access memory settings. Unable to retrieve controller memory settings. Any ideas?
Client Suite 2.2 will not work with the new libraries. It does not support 1.0 and later libraries. You should upgrade to the new Client Suite 3.0 instead.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by Seedlessone »

Thanks Binder. Yeah I didnt see I was posting in the 2.2 thread. Ive got all sorted in 3.0 now. Thanks
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by binder »

Seedlessone wrote:Thanks Binder. Yeah I didnt see I was posting in the 2.2 thread. Ive got all sorted in 3.0 now. Thanks
Awesome. glad to hear you got it working.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by daniella3d »

MIne is working fine except the notification don't seem to work since I cannot get any check box to do anything. Do I absolutely need a gmail account to make it work? also any way to control the feed mode through this software?

I wish I could use a software on the PC when I am going into vacations and my tank sitter is going to come to feed my fish. Seem easier to do via the computer but I cannot find a way to do this except from the Iphone application or the web portal. Is there a pc base software that can trigger the feed mode?

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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by binder »

daniella3d wrote:MIne is working fine except the notification don't seem to work since I cannot get any check box to do anything. Do I absolutely need a gmail account to make it work? also any way to control the feed mode through this software?

I wish I could use a software on the PC when I am going into vacations and my tank sitter is going to come to feed my fish. Seem easier to do via the computer but I cannot find a way to do this except from the Iphone application or the web portal. Is there a pc base software that can trigger the feed mode?

yes. there is a java app that does what you want.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by daniella3d »

Ok I installed java and it's working now. I thought I had it installed, wierd.

But I don't see any way to trigger the feed mode in there...what am I missing???
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by binder »

daniella3d wrote:Ok I installed java and it's working now. I thought I had it installed, wierd.

But I don't see any way to trigger the feed mode in there...what am I missing???
Hmmm....I thought I had implemented Feeding and Water change modes, but apparently I have not.
In the meantime, in order to trigger it from a web browser (the same way that the apps work), just use this command:

Code: Select all

and replace IP with the ip address of your controller. It will respond with an OK letting you know it was successful.
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Re: Client Suite 2.2

Post by binder »

Ok, since you asked for it and it wasn't there before, I went ahead and updated the status app to include the functions that you were wanting.

Check out the topic for the latest link to the app. Sorry for the confusion.
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