Just ordered mine!!

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Just ordered mine!!

Post by Soehl »

Hey everyone,

My name is Cory Soehl. I just ordered my Reef Angel Controller. Can't wait to get it up and running and see what it can do. I speak English and not code... ;) It is a complete foreign language to me but I am excited to learn. I CAN copy and paste! lol

My system is in my garage right now, the 125 on its side being cleaned and I trying to buff out some scratches. I am thinking a month or so and I will be up and running. I am cycling the rock and finishing my DIY RapidLed light as we speak. I am a big DIYer.

Here is what I have:

125 gallon 72" long dual overflow
INS100 Protein Skimmer(being upgraded to a Bubble Magus BM-220-cs)
55 gallon 3" long acryllic refugium/sump
JBJ Chiller
2 Eheim heaters(one for each overflow)
Eheim 1262 return pump
Eheim 1260 pump feeding my GFO reactor, BioPellet reactor, UV, and Carbon reactor(and maybe a SCWD)
2 VorTech MP40w(one on order, saving for the other...)
3 Tunze 6105 pump(saving for) for wave control
Marine Magic 3 pump dosing pump for Calcium and Magnesium
DIY RapidLed Light. I will have 3 of these over my tank.
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Cool Whites contorlled by PWM signal
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Royal Blues controlled by PWM signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 8 Reds controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 6 Greens controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell LPC-35-700 for a run of 6 Violets constant signal
-One run of 4 Moonlight led run by 350ma driver constant signal
-I am thinking of adding runs of UV, Turquoise, Cyan, Red/Orange, and Deep Red
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by fatman »

Welcome to the group. You'll enjoy the flexibility offered by the Reef Angel. Love mine. This is the place to come for questions. Post and the answers will appear!
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by DrewPalmer04 »

I should mention...the replies are FAST!!! :)
Out for now...but not over.

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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by binder »

In addition to the other comments, try to not get frustrated. It can be a little overwhelming at times but be patient (like with everything in this hobby). I would also suggest that you use the Reef Angel Wizard to get your code started. It has simplified the coding process tremendously and has almost replaced my application, RAGen.
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by rossbryant1956 »

Soehl wrote: DIY RapidLed Light. I will have 3 of these over my tank.
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Cool Whites contorlled by PWM signal
-Two MeanWell ELN-60-48P for 2 runs of 13 Royal Blues controlled by PWM signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 8 Reds controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell ELN-60-27D for a run of 6 Greens controlled by analog signal
-One MeanWell LPC-35-700 for a run of 6 Violets constant signal
-One run of 4 Moonlight led run by 350ma driver constant signal
-I am thinking of adding runs of UV, Turquoise, Cyan, Red/Orange, and Deep Red
I wanted to ask a few questions about your light design...I haven't pulled the trigger on mine yet, but hope to soon:

1. What do you mean by "constant signal" for the violets and moonlights? Does this just mean you'll turn them on and off as desired?
2. Is "moonlight" the color of or a combination of various leds? I see the word used everywhere but was never really sure what it meant
3. What is the difference between analog and PWM as it relates to having the blues and whites on PWM and the reds and Greens on analog
4. What is the point of having all the extra colors - UV, Turquoise, Cyan, etc. except maybe user preference, i.e. a light show or some such?

It sounds fantastic, but I can't fathom how you will use it. Please share your plans and thoughts. Thx
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by rossbryant1956 »

bump...anyone got an opinion on my questions? Thx
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by rimai »

I think #3 is just because he had some drivers already. There are virtually no difference between them. The analog seems to have just a slightly lower cut off point as far as I know.
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by rossbryant1956 »

so with a design like his, seeing that I have nothing yet, would this be better controlled with a PWM expansion unit? Any idea what he means by "constant signal?" To me that just means "off" or "on." What do you think?
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by rimai »

Yes, he meant they are not dimmable.
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by rossbryant1956 »

yes, better with the pwm expansion and yes, they were not dimmable? Thx
Roscoe's Reefs - Starting Over Again:

Building new 29g Nano after landlord went berserk over my 4 75 gallon tanks, Multiple RA's, Water mixing stations, etc. Your help welcomed in remembering all I've forgotten.
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Re: Just ordered mine!!

Post by rimai »

Well, if you want to control more than 2 channels, you will need the dimming expansion module.
There is no other way to do it.
The "constant signal" he meant it to be non-dimmable.
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