According to my calculations, 8 LEDs of those in serial needs at least 25.6V of forward voltage. 3.2V x 8 = 25.6V minimum.
The driver you mentioned above is meant for 12V.
It won't work.
On top of that, the driver you mentioned above is for 5000mA current. These LEDs are meant to be used on 350mA.
On 4 parallel strings, it comes up to 1400mA total. You are going to fry them all with 5000mA.
1W LED is also very old technology and don't output much light.
I would highly recommend you check with some of the LED vendors out there before you commit to this.
I don't want you to spend money and burn it all ... hting/LED/
These are some of the ones I've seen out there. Pretty sure there are a lot more.