Port not Opening

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Port not Opening

Post by kevingehrke »

Hi Everybody,
I'm out of ideas on what could be doing this and could use some help.

When I first received the controller I went through the tutorial and got it to work on my wifi to my iphone using the internal IP.
As I tried worked through getting it setup externally things got worse.
I entered in my external IP from a common IP showing website and it wouldn't connect.
Putting my internal ip with the :2000 into my browser produced nothing also <- I think this is where my problem is starting. Could this be a windows firewall thing on my computer? I've messed around with it a little with no results.

I checked if the port was open using a couple port checking websites and they said that it was closed.
After trying to go back to internal IP on my iPhone it shows temp/PH at 0 and that its updating 4-8 hours prior but not current.

Here's what I've tried.

Port forwarding through linksys E2000 router:
Currently on single port with the correct IP and Internal/External Port 2000 enabled.
I've also tried the multiple and DMZ, but neither helped.

I double checked that my modem is not a combo modem/router, and manually reset it just to be safe.
The wifi add-on is blinking the left most green light indicating that its working correctly.

I've also uploaded fresh code to the controller to see if something had gotten out of whack.

If anybody has any good ideas please let me know.
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Re: Port not Opening

Post by lnevo »

Putting my internal ip with the :2000
this indicates an issue with your internal network first....if thats not working external wont be.
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Joined: Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:43 pm

Re: Port not Opening

Post by kevingehrke »

I got it to work. I restored the wifi attachment to default and tried updating firmware.
Ran the WIFI setup again, and it gave me a different IP.
Turned off the controller, hooked up the wifi module, updated the port forwarding IP on my router.
Put in my DNS address in my phone, and plugged the controller back in and it worked.
I don't know what the exact problem was, but restoring factory settings and running the setup tool again seemed to be the fix.
Thanks for the help.
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