so frustrated every time I try to code I get color errors or port not specified but I did the reef angel wizard verbatim. I get so frustrated with this! argh!
// Autogenerated file by RAGen (v1.2.2.171), (10/07/2012 13:43)
// RA_100712_1343.pde
// This version designed for v0.8.5 Beta 17 or later
/* The following features are enabled for this File:
#define DisplayImages
#define DateTimeSetup
#define VersionMenu
#define DisplayLEDPWM
#define wifi
#define RelayExp
#define InstalledRelayExpansionModules 0
#define WDT
#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Globals.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <ReefAngel_EEPROM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <ReefAngel_ATO.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Joystick.h>
#include <ReefAngel_LED.h>
#include <ReefAngel_TempSensor.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Relay.h>
#include <ReefAngel_PWM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Timer.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Memory.h>
#include <ReefAngel_RF.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>
////// Place global variable code below here
////// Place global variable code above here
void setup()
// This must be the first line
ReefAngel.Init(); //Initialize controller
// Ports toggled in Feeding Mode
ReefAngel.FeedingModePorts = B00000000;
// Ports toggled in Water Change Mode
ReefAngel.WaterChangePorts = B11000101;
// Ports turned off when Overheat temperature exceeded
ReefAngel.OverheatShutoffPorts = B00001100;
////// Place additional initialization code below here
////// Place additional initialization code above here
void loop()
// Specific functions that use Internal Memory values
////// Place your custom code below here
////// Place your custom code above here
// This sends all the data to the portal
// Do not add any custom code that changes any relay status after this line
// The only code after this line should be the ShowInterface function
ReefAngel.Portal("reefcycle", "*******");
// This should always be the last line
I just want port 1 standard port 2 mh port 3 heater port 4 mh port 5 and port 6 not dedicated port 7 dosing pump 1 port 8 dosing pump 2. I have rf expansion water level and i/o hub. I have wifi and thats already working. I just want it all to work. I can sucessfully upload preload code or initial settings but I am doing something simple wrong and it is causing chaos!
Seems you are using headers from old RAGen and code from Wizard.
The headers have changed, so the includes in your code are outdated.
Make sure you use the same headers that Wizard is outputting.
There are no options. Just use the code from Wizard as is.
You don't need to copy and paste the code. Why are you copying and pasting code from wizard to an old code?
Can you go through the wizard again and choose "Generate Only" at the end.
Then paste the code here once again.
Just to be sure. You are using Wizard by using menu Tools->Reef Angel Wizard, right?
// Autogenerated file by RAGen (v1.2.2.171), (10/07/2012 14:34)
// RA_100712_1434.pde
// This version designed for v0.8.5 Beta 17 or later
/* The following features are enabled for this File:
#define DisplayImages
#define DateTimeSetup
#define VersionMenu
#define DisplayLEDPWM
#define wifi
#define RelayExp
#define InstalledRelayExpansionModules 0
#define WDT
#include <ReefAngel_Features.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Globals.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Wifi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <ReefAngel_EEPROM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_NokiaLCD.h>
#include <ReefAngel_ATO.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Joystick.h>
#include <ReefAngel_LED.h>
#include <ReefAngel_TempSensor.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Relay.h>
#include <ReefAngel_PWM.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Timer.h>
#include <ReefAngel_Memory.h>
#include <ReefAngel_RF.h>
#include <ReefAngel.h>
////// Place global variable code below here
////// Place global variable code above here
void setup()
// This must be the first line
ReefAngel.Init(); //Initialize controller
////// Place additional initialization code below here
////// Place additional initialization code above here
void loop()
// Specific functions that use Internal Memory values
////// Place your custom code below here
////// Place your custom code above here
// This sends all the data to the portal
// Do not add any custom code that changes any relay status after this line
// The only code after this line should be the ShowInterface function
ReefAngel.Portal("reefcycle", "zzxx4118");
// This should always be the last line