Lunar hub question.

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Lunar hub question.

Post by dapg8gt »

So today I upgraded the ra with expansion relay, expansion hub and lunar hub. My question is about the lunar hub. I have it hooked up into the Actinic channel and ran the wizard to upload my code but didn't see a specific area for the lunar hub.

My guess was by clicking moon phase on the Actinic pwm channel it will go based on the cycle? Is there something I'm missing? Does it turn on based on my current lighting time going off? Can someone point me in the right direction I've read a few posts about being able to control the intensity cause it's too bright and I think if I have that issue I'm good. I just want to be sure it will work or do I need to code something else.

Thanks in advance the wizard is my only way to code so far and I would need a thread to reference if it's not what I did or explained to me like I paid you to do it for me =).
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Re: Lunar hub question.

Post by rimai »

Yes, just set moonphase on the dimming channel you want and that's it.
It will adjust according to the moon phase for that day.
It will not turn off. If you want to turn off, you need to add something like this:

Code: Select all

if (hour()>9 && hour()<17) ReefAngel.PWM.SetActinic(0); // Set actinic channel to 0 between 9am and 5pm
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