what i need is i want to have cloud start after StdLightsOnHour,StdLightsOnMinute
and stop befor StdLightsOffHour,StdLightsOffMinute
same with my updateled relay on off time
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#define Mem_B_LedHrOn 102 //edit to update storm and led on/off time
#define Mem_B_LedMinOn 103 //edit to update storm and led on/off time
#define Mem_B_LedHrOff 104 //edit to update storm and led on/off time
#define Mem_B_LedMinOff 105 //edit to update storm and led on/off time
InternalMemory.write(Mem_B_LedHrOn,InternalMemory.StdLightsOnHour_read()); //mb102
//edit to update storm and led on/off time
InternalMemory.write(Mem_B_LedMinOn,InternalMemory.StdLightsOnMinute_read()); //mb103
//edit to update storm and led on/off time
InternalMemory.write(Mem_B_LedHrOff,InternalMemory.StdLightsOffHour_read()); //mb104
//edit to update storm and led on/off time
InternalMemory.write(Mem_B_LedMinOff,InternalMemory.StdLightsOffMinute_read()); //mb105
//edit to update storm and led on/off time